文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

are largely due to the Korean people’s racism and discrimination against the Japanese people

2019年03月05日 11時58分08秒 | 日記

IV. Conclusions
The Korean people's discrimination against the Japanese people gets worse year after year.
Unnecessary frictions born between Japan and Korea today are largely due to the Korean people’s racism and discrimination against the Japanese people.
The depth and extent of Korean prejudice against Japan is illustrated by the example of the campaign to pull out the stakes to recover their national strength, which is still going on across the country. 
The stakes were driven into the ground for use during land surveys during Japanese rule. 
Koreans, however, believe that “the stakes were driven into the ground by Japan, using wind and water to shut down the Korean people’s energy.”
The Korean people’s prejudice came into being as a result of the Korean Government’s maneuvers to plant “hatred” of the Japanese people through anti-Japanese education and totally distorting history.
Such teaching, to plant hatred against other states through a fascist program of conceited education prevents the youth of the state from developing sound minds and makes it difficult to grow up with a
common-sense world view and will eventually lead to isolation from the rest of the international community.
In addition, the fact that the Korean government has been educating its children with denigrating caricatures of the Japanese people, through textbooks and anti-Japanese institutions, is “hate speech”
engaged by an entire state. 
We can only conclude that Korea’s anti-Japanese education is clearly
against the purport of Article 2-1 of the ICERD.
Moreover, distorting history to fit Korean biases is a shameful act against the sublime moral code of ethics human beings have built, a threat to world peace and totally impermissible from a humane point of view.
18 https://news.v.daum.net/v/20130912144207777?f=m
The Korean Government, from the viewpoint of the principle of mutuality, must carry out the following three measures:
1) In authorizing Japanese textbooks, one consideration made is that in dealing with modern and contemporary historical matters from the viewpoints of international understanding and cooperation. 
For Japan to maintain this policy in the future, it is also necessary for Korea to use a similar policy, of reflection and consideration for neighboring countries, including Japan, in its textbooks.
2) In Japan, the act of hurling insulting words to foreigners is prohibited (The Act on the Elimination of Hate Speech19). 
Naturally, Korea should approve the similar law against insulting words, speech, writing and exhibits against foreigners, including Japanese.
3) Regarding the issue of comfort women, it has been reported that a member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination contradicted the Japanese Government.
20 Following the committee member’s line of discussion, the issue of the Syngman Rhee Line, which was pointed out in section III. Background 3-1-1, will not be resolved, so long as the Korean Government refuses to apologize or compensate individual Japanese victims of Korean terrorism. 
Therefore, the Korean Government must give sincere apologies and
compensation to the Japanese fishermen who were abducted to Korea and most cruelly treated, and to their bereaved families as well, for the reason that they violated the so-called Syngman Rhee Line.


