文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

‘No, I have been warring forever.’ ‘We are a member of the Allied Forces,’ he said

2018年06月28日 19時06分55秒 | 日記

The following is from Takayama Masayuki and Kazuhiko Inoue's interview feature posted under the title 'At the heart of the US-North Korea summit meeting, Trump's Kim Jong-un' Praise kill 'tactic is amazing' US-North Korea summit meetingthe day before yesterday, the monthly magazine that was released WiLL this month's issue.

WiLL and HANADA released the day before yesterday are monthly magazines that all Japanese citizens must subscribe to.

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

Next to North Korea is China

- Queen Elizabeth, the latest British ship aircraft carrier, is heading to the South China Sea ...

Praise killing tactics


Because of this summit of the US-North Korea summit, it was difficult to evaluate anything.


Indeed, it was not declared ‘complete verifiable and irreversible denuclearization (CVID)’ that the process of denuclearization was not specified in the joint statement and the greatest focus. Furthermore, considering the enthusiasm of President Trump, considering unilaterally promising to cancel the US-Korea joint military exercise during the negotiating period, we are inclined to head on these concessions and wonder what kind of speculation there is It is natural that the voice goes up.

On the other hand, North Korea's cut off the retreat ‘Praise killing’ tactics that Trump against the Kim Jong-un chairperson still does not allow backtrack You can also view it.


Trump said to joking country where rough traveling expenses and hotel fees cannot be paid, saying ‘Japan should promise one trillion yen promised.’

Well, as we are involved with North Korea, abduction issues and financial problems will come out.

The talk of Korean entwined money was a demand for Syngman Rhee's wartime compensation immediately after the war.

It is said that ‘Please pay 2.1 billion dollars’ even though there is no war.

Although Korea has taken care of that much in Japan, ‘No, I have been warring forever.’ ‘We are a member of the Allied Forces,’ he said.


What on earth are they talking about?

Korea is neither a coalition nor a victorious country.


They will not ask if they say it.

MacArthur was also troubled and said, ‘Koreans are not the victorious citizens, they are the third nation.’

Now, when criticizing as ‘a third nation’ it is a derogatory name.

It is not a derogatory term at all.

If you complain, tell MacArthur (laugh).

Still unreasonable.

The Japanese side, too, objected that it is 'it is saying a spoony until when' indeed.

In the negotiations it worked as a diplomat at Kubota Kanichiro and said, ‘We cannot pay wartime compensation even though we have not done war’ (laugh).


That's right.

This draft continues.


