文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The chapter which I am sending out over the past few days is clarifying.

2019年01月21日 23時44分57秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
It takes 2 hours 35 minutes by airplane and nearly twice the time required to Hokkaido ... they are using it,
Left wing extremists are speaking at the United Nations, say that Okinawa is discriminated against Okinawa as a frontier.
There may be a surface where the things become extreme if placing in the distant place if following their word and a slogan is condensed, too.
Shin Su-gok who exiled abroad as soon as the spy prevention law was established...It is proved by the process itself of this asylum that she is not an exaggeration to say that she is an agent of North Korea.
In addition to her, some of those who are doing Anti - base struggle against the US military now in Okinawa, there are many organizations that are convinced of the connection with North Korea, such as solidarity union, peace boat, etc.
The background behind the All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union and Japan Teachers' Union, which collaborate with them, continues to do activities like those left-wing extremists themselves is the darkness of Japan's postwar history.
In other words, by multiplying purge of public officials, the world of the media, the world of faculty and staff, and communists who went into the real industry...
It is not an exaggeration to say that it is humans of the Comintern Japan branch,
Or people from Chongryon officials and Korean Peninsula, their special skill is power struggle...it is an evident fact, they dominated Japan Federation, Japan Teachers' Union, NHK and the Asahi Newspaper at a stretch.
Therefore, IMADR who enjoys anti-Japanese activities in the United Nations who is the secretary general of a Japanese nobody known as Taisuke Komatsu...
Ten years ago, in Osaka it was not quite an exaggeration to say that the gangster itself,
From Osaka city covet a tremendous amount of interest,
A group that became a serious social problem by revealing that receiving a hospitable incentive from a large bank was exposed...
It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a pressure organization that has been vested with violent criminals who are vested victims who deceive discrimination and harass the violence...
It is an anti- state, an antisocial pressure group now.
In Japan it is difficult to earn benefits because of the number of bad businesses as mentioned above, so it seems to have thought of getting money from China and the Korean Peninsula.
When the world's most diligent and serious Japanese citizen is doing our best working day and night for the world,
This group was striving for activities to defuse Japan, set in the United Nations human rights committee in Switzerland far away.
* It was Onaga who ride it. Ms. Amuro is currently featured by NHK who made this faction win in the governor's election. *
The reason why the chair person of Japan Teachers' Union is doing the executive of such an organization, too, is clear with the variety of the fact which these several days, I introduce.
Also, a lawyer I knew during searching, 99% of Japanese did not know · Yoko Hayashi...
In January 2008 she took over as a member of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination of the United Nations. February 2015 Committee chairperson...I am disgusted at this career,
The background that people like Anti-Japanese thought chunk filled with such masochistic view of history were produced after the war...
The chapter which I am sending out over the past few days is clarifying.


