文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

put up a terrible anti-Japanese campaign in the middle of the Russo-Japanese War

2018年11月19日 20時15分08秒 | 日記

This week's issue of the special column, which Takayama Masayuki, who is the one and only journalist in the postwar world is serializing on the Weekly Shincho, was posted titled 'It is 100 years early'.

Although Osaka City became a sister city with San Francisco (SF) sixty years ago, it did not have a deep meaning. 

It is the second city of Japan, so in the second city of each country, the same port city is preferable if possible.

So, in Russia we have a sister city with St. Petersburg, Shanghai in China and Melbourne in Australia. 

If you look at the United States on the selection criteria, Boston will first come up and New Orleans will do.

There was also Los Angeles on the west coast.

There is a terminal island where Japanese immigrants landed once.

For Nikkei, it can also be imitated by Ellis Island, an east coast immigrant window.

Ignoring them, Osaka-shi chose San Francisco.

It seems to be a big mistake if the history is based.

In the beginning of the 20th century, the local paper San Francisco Chronicle put up a terrible anti-Japanese campaign in the middle of the Russo-Japanese War.

Do not do Japanese diaspora just drop money to your home and do not let money down locally, do it Japanese diaspora decides a partner only with photos, there is no love for marriage. 

The extremity was ‘Brown steals white brain (Japanese steal white wisdom)’.

Then, Takamine Jokichi extracted adrenaline from the adrenal and succeeded in the crystallization.

Although it is a world-wide great achievement, in contrast, John Abel, the American says 'Takamine stole my research', without leave named epinephrine.

Later Abel's lie came to light, but the American medical community still makes epinephrine the official name.

In such a trend, Chronicle was jeering.

When Japan won the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese disdain emanated to Hate Japan, which is more horrible, and it was shaped by the SF big earthquake that occurred just after.

The Japanese sympathized with the city's disaster and gave solatium of 500,000 yen.

It was larger than the total amount of donation from other countries, but the citizen's repayment was ‘to shut out JapaneseAmerican children from public schools’. 

This draft continues.
