文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This structure is weak against the direct vibration of the direct type like this time

2018年09月12日 22時53分40秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

It is different from Naoto Kan's administration

Dairy cows are said to have breasts stretched unless milking at the same time each day, pain and fever, half are said to become mastitis in one day.

In the worst case, it is disused as it is, that is to be killed.

Even though mastitis has subsided by vaccine administration, a drug holiday period of about 1 week to about 10 days occurs where the shipment of raw milk is prohibited.

Even this alone is a serious damage for dairy farmers, but this time the vaccine to prevent mastitis has become almost useless, and the damage will be expected to expand.

The blackout of infrastructure of society caused the power outage, automatic operation is done even at the timing of opening and closing the lid of the toilet and washing with water, from contemporary Japan which became an advanced convenient society, I showed off all such functions It will take some time now to figure out how much real damage it brought.

The reason why all Hokkaido blackouts causing such damage were caused is that the power supply relied heavily on one thermal power station.

Tomato Atsuma power station which is located near this epicenter of Hokkaido's electricity supplied about half of the power.

This coal-fired power plant with the capacity of 1,650,000 kW, the largest in Hokkaido, stopped emergency due to the earthquake, so the demand-supply balance collapsed at once and it became a whole Hokkaido blackout.

Tadashi Narabayashi, professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology said.

"The power is always unstable if the supply and demand are not the same amount. If the frequency is disturbed, there is a possibility that the equipment that uses the generator and electricity may be broken, and in the worst case it will be a massive blackout."

This time, due to the suspension of Tomato Atsuma, the supply of electricity fell at a stroke.

Suddenly, the balance began to collapse, Hokkaido Electric Power had to stop the power plant in a chain.

So why did the thermal power plant stop?

Again, Mr. Narabayashi explained.

'In fact, thermal power plants are structurally vulnerable to earthquakes. It is the difference from nuclear power generation that fuel assemblies are housed in a thick reactor pressure vessel made of steel and thoroughly reinforced. In thermal power generation, hang a tube called a heat transfer tube group that transfers heat generated by a boiler vertically from the top over a length of several tens of meters to avoid thermal expansion. This structure is weak against the direct vibration of the direct type like this time, Tomato Atsuma damaged the heat transfer tubes of boilers of Units 1 and 2 dues to longitudinal vibration, and high temperature and high-pressure steam was blown out. A fire broke out on Unit 4 in the turbine, and the fire pillar rose.

The restoration will take longer than 1 week of the schedule at first.'

Nevertheless, the response of the government was quick.

It is clearly different from Kan Naoto regime at 3.11.

In response to Tomato Atsuma's outage, Abe administration immediately restarted other usable hydro power plants, incorporating the amount of electricity generated by private enterprises, its transduced electricity to every household at the speed as much as being surprised.

Although it is a situation that we must call for energy saving as of 9th, we should highly appreciate the crisis response of the Abe administration.

This draft continues.


