V. Proposed Recommendations
We request that the Committee send the following recommendations to the Government of the Republic of Korea:
(a) Reexamine its educational policy from reasonable and unbiased viewpoints and make efforts to improve the present circumstance of anti-Japanese education which is now only incurring unnecessary conflict between Japan and Korea.
19 The Act on the Promotion of Efforts to Eliminate Unfair Discriminatory Speech and Behavior against Persons Originating from Outside Japan
20 https://www.sankei.com/world/news/180830/wor1808300014-nl.html
(b) From the viewpoints of international understanding and cooperation, give necessary consideration to neighboring countries and reflect this in school textbooks in dealing with modern and contemporary historical matters.
(c) Review descriptions in school textbooks to see if there are distortions, fabrications, racist or insulting descriptions against other peoples and correct them.
(d) Approve an Act regulating hate speech and administer punishment if there are insulting words, speech, writings, exhibits which are discriminatory or insulting against other peoples, including the Japanese people, are utilized.
(e) Review distortions, fabrications, racist statements and insults against other peoples, including the Japanese, among exhibits displayed in the public areas like museums and historical halls, and amend them.
(f) Make sincerest apologies and pay compensation to Japanese fishermen, together with their bereaved families, who were forcibly taken to Korea, detained and cruelly treated under the excuse that they violated the so-called Syngman Rhee Line.
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- 飯山さん、元気で頑張ってね。私たち、皆、飯山さんの大ファンだから。
- あたしたちもよ。