文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Lowe, who oversaw maneuvering to link the US Congress with the Anti-Japan Association and

2018年11月01日 12時45分20秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


Recently it was crowded with English newspapers, the SPY organization of China ‘Unified Front’, but from the mid-1990s, from the mid-1990s, maneuvering the global alliance for Preserving the History of WW II in Asia (Anti-Japan association), they will be more active.

This is an organization leading to a unified front.

Before the establishment of the Anti-Japan association, it seems that some Nikkei and the Korean Peninsula lineage collaborated mainly on the Chinese line, but it used them as plot to make them a member of the Diet.

Currently, its big boss is Florence Fang.

It is the honorary director of ‘Overseas Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall’ made in San Francisco China Town.


By the way, those who shouted boycotts in the Mitsubishi Motors sexual harassment lawsuit were women 's lawmakers including Dianne Feinstein of Democratic Party at California State.


Senator Feinstein also served as the mayor of San Francisco, but recently the fact that Russell Lowe who was her assistant was a Chinese spy has become public.


When the identity of Lowe came to light, there was no punishment and only fired.


Lowe, who oversaw maneuvering to link the US Congress with the Anti-Japan Association and Korean Peninsular Organization, has since been acting as a secretary general of the ‘Social Justice Education Foundation’ as a comfort women issue.

Rep. Feinstein, which had a good relationship with Jiang Zemin, was a core figure who work hard to join China to the World Trade Organization (WTO) during the Clinton administration.

Her husband deals with China.

That's the deeply immersed China Gate, as typified by her, it is a source of weakening America.

This draft continues.
