文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the Korean government has made no efforts to gain public understanding until now

2018年11月09日 14時29分16秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It will not make efforts to understand the public

I heard about such an episode from a diplomat who used to be in Korea.

"Even a relatively calm opponent in Korea is discussing Takeshima (Shimane Prefecture Oki no Miyamachi) problem or comfort women's problem, it is definitely not theory at the end that he says ‘You do not have a feeling in Korea’ "

This is also incomprehensible why Japanese must have ‘emotion’ in Korea.

Anyway, it seems Korean style thinking that it cannot be helped even if it bends the facts if there is a feeling.

In retrospect, President Moon Jae-in told the Japanese-ROK agreement that confirmed the ‘final and irreversible solution’ of the comfort women issue in May 2017, taking off the citizen sentiment, as soon as he took office.

"Reality is that the majority of citizens cannot embrace consensus emotionally"

Kang Kyung-wha Foreign Minister likewise said in a meeting with Taro Kono Foreign Minister in December the same year.

"The Korean people are not convinced about the Japan-Korea consensus"

At this time, Mr. Kono contradicted ‘It is your job to convince the Korean people, it is not a Japanese work’, but after all, the Korean government has made no efforts to gain public understanding until now.

This draft continues.
