文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

All the Japanese citizens should know that my thesis saying that the media such as the

2017年08月19日 23時36分19秒 | 日記

The previous chapter and the following chapter are facts that all Japanese citizens and people all over the world must know.

All the Japanese citizens should know that my thesis saying that the media such as the Asahi Shimbun and other people controlling the current press department of NHK are equal to the traitor is right.

As media news such as Asahi Shimbun and NHK etc., there is only one Ms. Fukuda Moe, one person is grasping the truth as a professional of analyst,

While there was hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of people, they were (especially the bastards), they did not tell the Japanese people the truth about Toshiba.

On the contrary, they have the shoulder of SK Hynix and Hon Hai (located behind this company in China), and they have continued to do Toshiba as if it were an unavoidable company.

There is no more anger.

NHK 's watch 9 and others are the mastermind of the Asahi Shimbun Moritomo and Kake when it was in trouble,' com not on be cleared of a charge ', a comment on the expression that they kept doing against the problem of Toshiba, everyone should Know.

Castor Arima etc., Kuwako against the opponent, self-importantly kindergarten child level ... Content of level that everyone knows ... While continuing to explain, but the truth that Ms. Fukuda Moe elucidates with only one person, they have never been told just once.

Whether conscious or unwittingly unconsciously, they continue to sell Japan to Korea and China.

As Ms. Fukuda Moe is a spectacular national treasure in inverse proportion, they are amazingly Japanese junk.

They are traitors who dwarf down Japan.

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