文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Identity · crisis where major media including the Asahi Shimbun have fallen

2018年06月29日 15時07分39秒 | 日記

Identity · crisis where major media including the Asahi Shimbun have fallen

【The Hague (Netherlands) 15th = Atsuko Yamamoto, Hiroshi Fukatsu, Takashi Saiga】

‘The Hague Peace Citizen Council’, which was held with participation of about 10,000 people in more than 100 countries by calls of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), was held on the 15th day of the final day, ‘Basic Ten for Fair International Order Principle’ as a goal, and included in the first paragraph the phrase ’ We emulate Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan and each parliament should make a resolution to not let governance of their country fight war’.

The idea of the Constitution of Japan was raised in the foreground for the first time as a common banner of the world peace movement.

The meeting adopted the ‘issue for peace and justice in the 21st century’ (Hague Agenda) including this basic ten principle, handed it to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and finished the four-day schedule.

The agenda will be submitted to the intergovernmental meeting from 18th and the United Nations General Assembly in November. (Hereinafter abbreviated as the Asahi Shimbun Morning Paper on May 16, 1999)

Article 9 of the Constitution and Fabricated Articles

At the time this article came out, NATO was doing bombing as ‘humanitarian intervention’ to stop the conflict in Kosovo of the Balkans Peninsula.

Even though it is a conference sponsored by peace organizations, will they include Article 9 of 'absolute pacifism' that abandoned war and denied war potential and belligerency in the adopted document -

I felt doubt, inquired of the chief official of the Hague Peace Citizen's Council, I received the reply that the ‘basic 10 principles’ are ‘an informal summary that summarizes the feelings of the participants’ and not an adopted document It was.

And it turned out that the actual adopted document had content incompatible with Kujō that ‘UN standing army for humanitarian intervention is created’.

Examining the mission, the Asahi Shimbun and other advocates of protection of the Constitution have sent about 400 huge delegations to the Hague for the purpose of ‘globalization of Kujyo’, but the claim does not pass, It seemed to have reported.

Meanwhile, there was only a slight possibility that the Asahi newspaper made a misrepresentation without confirming the official adopted document, there was a side that could not be said to be ‘fabricated’.

When I scooped in Web magazine sponsored by myself as 'the Asahi under Article 9, fake report', Weekly Bunshun made an article.

After that, I called the related Asahi newspaper reporter and constitutional scholar of the delegation senior executives, but they all made a no comment.

Some scholars have strengthened their spirit as ‘Do not write even no comment.’

On the other hand, no one pointed out that my scoop is a mistake.

About ten years have passed since then, in 2010, Mr. Charles M. Overby, the founder of the ‘Article 9 Association in America’, has conveyed a message to me through a Japanese.

It is a person who is regarded as a charismatic presence for stakeholders of ‘Kujyo no Kai’ with about 8,000 in Japan.

He was involved in the Peace Conference, he asserted that the article published in the Asahi Shimbun on May 16, 1999 was ‘false’ rather than misinformation and was actively charged with it.

After all the Asahi Shimbun had forged it, I remember being immersed in emotion.

This means that the constitution protection theory of Japan broke down in the international community.

Reporters it is probably unheard of in the case that they cooked up and hide an article as an organization rather than an individual.

This draft continues.


