文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Coldplay - The Scientist

2017年12月30日 09時00分21秒 | 日記

Coldplay - The Scientist

I read a series column by Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai in the weekly Shincho of this week's issue.

The other day I was introduced to a friend who is a well-read person from the folklore collection that has been handed down to the neighboring country of China or the major book to say as the philosophy book of that country was introduced and read.

Among them, the one that remained strongly impressed ... A gift arrived from Emperor of wicked China, how to repay this, they bothered their heads.

Because China will invade their country if they mistakenly repay.

Therefore, the king ordered the 1st bright person the task in the country.

He finds a glutton that can eat a single sheep from the country and accompanies him to return to the Chinese emperor.

But a gifted man who has seen that this man is pretending to obey but secretly betraying will do miraculous insight on the hordes of the sheep who passed by, in order to show the high level of his ability.

On this, glutton marveled from the bottom of his heart, the two became one and the same person, audiences with Emperor of wicked China, intriguing strategy cleverly designed to fool others as far as possible, trying the intention of invasion it was a story to shatter.

Read Yoshiko Sakurai 's series of columns, there is a man like Yoshida Seiji saying Hayashi Eidai, etc., quoting a false story such as a man called鄭正模who is a Korean in Japan, who is a member of the Korean Peninsula, which is abysmal evil and plausible lie,

If the decent human being reads, it is not specifically for anyone to know that it is false, he writes like a fact. 

It is the original story of a stupid thing like the warship islands and compulsory drafting workers that the Koreans say, and I knew it for the first time.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Just like Yoshida Seiji who fabricated compulsion enthusiastically with a military comfort woman, enigmatic Japanese were involved in forging false stories such as warship islands and compulsory drafting workers.

Media such as the Mainichi Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun have raised prizes and introduced them in articles as well as this as is exactly like Seiji Yoshida.

In other words, being moved forcibly with comfort women is not an exaggeration to say that it is a collaboration of Yoshida Seiji and the Asahi Newspaper, fabrication and coverage,

Battleship Island and compulsory drafting workers were created by Hayashi Eidai and the Mainichi Shimbun and this Asahi Shimbun again.

The one which makes a country surely, dangerous is since ancient times, a treacherous friend, these human beings whose ethnicity is not clear and the reporters of the Mainichi Shimbun Kazuo Asami and Asahi Shimbun, I was deeply aware that it was a treacherous friend.

At the same time, Ms Sakurai introduced this paper at https://www.gunkanjima-truth.com/l/ja_JP/, Süddeutsche Zeitung is still reporting anti-Japan propaganda and the Asahi Newspaper on China and the Korean Peninsula to dilute the guilt of their Nazism,

Of all things, it is not enough to just accept brainwash the anti-Japanese ideas to about half of Germans, I learned that they continue to report, which Japan is a country that took the same crime as the Holocaust of Nazism.

Japanese citizens must inform the world about the incorrigible intrigue of Süddeutsche Zeitung.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the poor nature of this newspaper company is equivalent to the Asahi Shimbun and it is a member of the agents of China and the Korean Peninsula.

It is truly disgusting newspaper company as well as the Asahi Newspaper.
