文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In other words, Japanese people cannot establish identity without liberating from brainwashing

2018年06月29日 22時29分44秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In this chapter, what I have mentioned about Prime Minister Abe ... He must be rare realist and others have parts that are being connected at a fundamental level.

I agree 100% to the author's elucidation.

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

Identity · Crisis

There is such a passage in Prime Minister Abe's book ‘To Beautiful Country’ (Bunshun Shinsho).

"There are no other places to which you belong, with your own country. No matter who is willing to have pride in the history, tradition and culture that the country to which the country belongs is spun, is essentially a natural feeling."

"The essential theme lying there is no other than verifying the identity that we are exactly who they are"

When Prime Minister Abe went to study in the U.S., he was lodging in an Italian American house for a year.

When I was overseas, I was made aware that I was a Japanese every time I had it.

A Japanese who goes abroad carries a Hinomaru by himself.

Under the First Abe administration the Basic Education Law was revised, and the phrase ‘patriotism’ was entered.

When looking back now, I think that it was possible to be well realized.

It can be inferred that Prime Minister Abe had a major influence on the experience of facing ‘being a Japanese’ from the time of study abroad.

Prime Minister Abe is a rare politician liberated from brainwashing.

There were several opportunities to meet Japanese people living long-term residents who only cause troubles of interpersonal relations abroad.

For example, a woman married an Indian and gave birth to a child of half Japanese half Indian.

If you continue to live in India, your child is raised by the culture and language of that country and you tend not to speak Japanese much at home.

Eventually she will lose herself.

It is what we call ‘identity crisis’ in psychology and psychiatry. 

Identity crisis can occur not only for individuals, but also for groups.

That a certain race and people falls into the confusion of the self-awareness and the crisis in the turning point of the history is made 'the identity crisis of the state', In Japan, the arrival of Commodore Perry and the time of defeat in World War II apply to that.

Japan is an island country composed almost of a single ethnic group, with both languages and religions in common.

Therefore, unlike other countries, conscious identity establishment education has not been done.

Therefore, perhaps it was easy to be brainwashed by GHQ after the war.

Kishi Nobusuke said.

"In order to regain ethnic self-confidence and independent spirit, we must have a constitution made by our hands"

Ethnic confidence and independent spirit means pride and identity as a Japanese.

In other words, the Constitutional amendment is a step towards establishing our identity as a Japanese.

To thoroughly investigate ‘what is Japanese’, we have to face the Japanese history, including the ‘before World War II’ where the Asahi Shimbun decides as ‘absolute evil’.

In other words, Japanese people cannot establish identity without liberating from brainwashing.

The two are two sides of the same.

This draft continues.


