文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

to adapt to Korea is saying clearly what you want to say, not apologize in advance

2018年02月08日 13時59分59秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Editorial of Asahi with no remorse


When South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha came to Japan in December to pay a courtesy call on Prime Minister Abe, 'If we do something that brings the agreement back to blank paper, the relations between Japan and Korea will be irremediable', I heard that South Korean Foreign Minister Kang turned blue.

Of course, that should have been communicated to President Moon Jae-in.


It limits this time and it told that it is not move 1 millimeter clearly all together with the following of prime minister, the word but it is waste it was useless when not saying so.

I am teaching Japan-Korea Comparative Culture in the university, but will be that there is a feeling not to be the protest of the person who has culture when hearing ‘it doesn't move 1 millimeter‘ in the agreement as the Japanese.

The Japanese say 50 when they want to say 100.

It surmises, saying ‘it wants to say 100 actually’ if the partner talks about 50.

The Korean is opposite.

The Korean says 200 to want to tell 100 beforehand.

Then, it catches it with 100 if the partner says 200.

The Japanese, specifically, because the people of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were a court noble, they made a remark while reserved so far for a long time to Korea, but to adapt to Korea is saying clearly what you want to say, not apologize in advance.

This draft continues.
