文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Asahi Shimbun did not collect evidence work since Yoshida Seiji.

2019年07月08日 09時52分14秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It also leads to Yoshida Seiji's significant misinformation

However, there was such a line inside.

‘Public (then secondary school, high school) at that time was required to submit family register’ ‘My mother searched for a school that is not so.’

For a moment, I thought that she grew up as a smuggler who does not have a family register or a lie on the origins of family-like Renho, but it was told that she was a so-called ‘child of the mistress’ I remembered.

At that time, it was quite common for public schools to say the child of the mistress of ‘Pine tree seen through the stylish black fence.’

Such a thing was not a problem either.

Nonetheless, she says ‘public school had to submit a family register.’

Then it comes to light a child of the mistress that surname is different from her father.

Then she continued to have her mother go through private school with hardships.

But this is strange.

It understands if examining a little.

Even now, to enter the public, we only issue a resident card that lets the school district know.

Illegally entered Chinese enter children to school without compunction because Japan did not have a thorough review of such things.

Why does she tell such a transparent lie?

Takahashi Misako oversees reporters, but the reason why she did not point out a lie by examining it.

Also, it thinks the desk in charge is regular if it is strange.

It will be the place to make it examine, pointing out if thinking.

Asahi Shimbun did not collect evidence of work since Yoshida Seiji.

That is why he took significant misinformation, and President Kimura Tadakazu resigned.

Watanabe Masataka in now says that it collects evidence, swearing a god.

But this time the reporter and the desk did not do it but passed Keiko Ochiai's lie.

This draft continues.
