文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

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Central and Eastern Europe, Growth that stand in Germany,

2014年05月02日 09時48分43秒 | 日記

The following is an article in today's Nikkei newspaper, from page 6.

Central and Eastern Europe, Growth that stand in Germany, Around 2% this year

The “factory of Europe"

BERLIN = Akagawa Shogo

Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in May 1 from the European Union (EU) member, is doing well. After receiving the headwind of debt crisis, the growth rate of 2014 is rapid recovery in the demodulation of export. And around 2% a year, Germany winner of the (slightly less than 2%), it will show the momentum on a par. Income almost doubled as compared to the pre-accession, influential voice in the region also strengthened.

However, rich northern and poor southern, disparity that has become clear in Central and Eastern Europe.

Celebration was held in various locations between 30 to 1 in Central and Eastern Europe. Guribausukaite President summarized "Growth has entered a new stage of development” and through the accession to the EU in the capital Vilnius of Lithuania. Fan Rompuy EU President who visited the Czech Republic and Slovakia stressed “was a success, without doubt.”

Growth of the past 10 years is remarkable. Typical examples are Poland’s there is no year of negative growth even once entered the EU. There is a view (GDP) has doubled per capita gross domestic product, growth this year will reach 3%. Growth is twice the EU average. In order to prevent the overheating of the economy, the observation of the central bank to raise interest rates by the end of the year even hit.

Civic life was also changed dramatically. Residents to go out shopping in neighboring Germany across the border are increasing rapidly in western Poland. Said, “detergent of high quality can get," said some people go every day to the sports club of Germany.

To Poland cheap price "shopping tour” was a classic from Germany once. Disparity of income shrinkage, back flow of people has occurred. Analysts Austrian banks leading Easute group, Mr. Kochian see more of Central and Eastern European countries for some has become rich from Southern Europe in the feeling of life after taking into account such factors as the price.

Central and Eastern Europe became a "factory of Europe" in the model achieve the growth attract investment from Western Europe. In addition to the cheap labor costs , companies in Austria and Germany to advance one after another from the same sense of security of Europe , direct investment of more than € 30 billion a year ( 4.2 trillion yen) . Ability of automobile production in the Central and Eastern Europe is superior to France with the economic power of the second of Europe.

According to the estimates of Easute group , country , obtained by adding 1% a year growth rate in the EU accession or four core such as Poland and the Czech Republic .Growth rate of '14 is expected to 2.0 % or so, much higher than the euro area.

Scene in Central and Eastern Europe countries to lead the diplomatic dispute of the EU found.

"It's time to show the sense of community in Ukraine Now is". April 30, foreign ministers of five countries Poland, Slovakia and so on jointly contribute to the German paper.

It is a form that has pushed up the Franco-German half-hearted sanctions in Russia over the Ukraine crisis. No vestiges of EU member it was originally received a small country treatment.

Southern Europe is ground subsidence due to the debt crisis, the United Kingdom look away to European integration. Initiative to reduce the post of Managing Director Southern Europe the European Central Bank (ECB) in response to the change of the center of gravity of economic power and political power, pass in Central and Eastern Europe have also emerged.

But compared to the northern industrial capacity was high traditionally, “earning power " is weak south. Irritation regime is not stable people that the standard of living does not improve very much in such as Bulgaria.

Expansion strategy of the EU, it puts a view to incorporation of the Balkans Serbia, and Macedonia.

On the other hand, the northern part was easy to complete the integration in terms of both political and economic, but way to fill the gap in the south does not stand. Elimination of the North-South gap is, it is a challenge of the next decade in Europe.

▼ eastward expansion of the EU

It refers to the fact that the European Union (EU) has opened its doors to European countries of the former communist bloc. Eight countries in Central and Eastern Europe, Hungary, and Poland,and so on joined the EU along with the two countries in Southern Europe May 1, 2004 as a first step. 07 years, Bulgaria and Romania, Croatia joined the '13. There is a sense that rally in Europe after World War II, had been divided by the Iron Curtain.
