文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The best number of searches yesterday 's goo was far and away the best,

2018年06月29日 10時46分35秒 | 日記

The best number of searches yesterday 's goo was far and away the best, from the article published in the special column, which Takayama Masayuki is writing at the last page of Weekly Shincho.

This tells us the truth that the subscribers such as the Asahi Newspaper and the viewers such as NHK do not know at all about the politicians as a spiritual ugly woman flattering to China and the Korean Peninsula after the end of the war ..., and immediately after the end of the war to GHQ.

It was his true papers which is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.

As if to respond to this, Mr. Abiru Rui, now the most journalist as a journalist, is writing about the spiritual ugly men politicians in the column of today's Sankei newspaper.

By the way, as I mentioned earlier, Abiru Rui is a person who inherits the blood of Abiru, a family of guards who protected ancient Japan.

Even today and ancient times, Japanese citizens will have to thank Mr. Abiru very much.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading * and * are me.

Former Prime Ministers advertising Nanjing Incident

It is said that it is the same level as former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.

The former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda visited Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing, China on the 24th.

According to Chinese media, Mr. Fukuda gave a garland and said to the reporters: "We must understand the past fact accurately, more Japanese should visit the memorial hall"

However, the memorial hall is a facility advertising the exaggerated number without grounds that ‘300 thousand people’ were sacrificed by the occupation of the Nanking of the Japanese army.

Some exhibits were written with impossible things, saying "Nearly 20,000 rape cases occurred in Nanjing occupation in a month."

By visiting there, why can we understand past facts accurately as Mr. Fukuda stated?

Do you want to please the Chinese side who plots the plot and propaganda maneuvers in the Nanjing case and what do you want to do?

 * Me, and my friend, the common answer to this Fukuda was "he will also be one of the politicians affected by the honey trap". *

Mr. Hatoyama also visited this memorial hall in January 2013 and said, "I am responsible for this incident as a Japanese, I want to apologize sincerely"

If you take responsibility, I think whether to donate even a huge personal property arbitrarily.

Nonetheless, in fact, it is only playing a role in China's anti-Japanese international public opinion.

In the past, Fukuda, Mr. Hatoyama and others Kaifu Toshiki, former Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama, former LDP secretary general Koga Makoto and other leading politicians also visited the memorial hall, but for the many Japanese people, their acts are a great deal of trouble.

Nevertheless, Mr. Fukuda's extreme behavior towards China is not what it began.

In September 2007, at a press conference to the Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, asked if he would visit the shrine at Yasukuni Shrine, it is clear in memory.

"Do you dislike your friends, the relationship between the country and the country is the same. It is not necessary to do, mixing that the partner dislikes"

In this presidential election, Mr. Fukuda defeats Aso Taro Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister now and takes prime minister.

At that time, from the LDP veteran member who supported Mr. Aso, I heard such a word.

"China and Korea are delighted, Japan may be brought into China only in 7 or 8 years."

Fortunately, this pessimistic expectation has come off.

Even though Mr. Fukuda did not become sick, he abandoned the administration in about a year.

However, under the Hatoyama administration after the Aso administration, perplexing ‘East Asia Community Initiative’ and China, which directs numerous ballistic missiles to the allies, the United States and Japan, side by line, ‘Theory of equilateral triangle in Japan, the United States, and China’ was spoken, Japanese diplomacy strayed.

Nevertheless, the parties do not reflect on.

"I can objectively look at myself, I am different from you (reporter)"

That Mr. Fukuda declared so at the retreat expression press conference in September 2008 became the topic of conversation then.

If you really can object yourself, I think that it will not go to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall nonchalantly by now.

At present, not only Mr. Fukuda and Mr. Hatoyama, but also embarrassing behavior of politicians who have retired name stand out.

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who said irresponsibly Prime Minister Shinzo 's LDP president is ‘difficult’, and Kono Yohei, former lower house chairperson who takes a position closer to North Korea due to the abduction issue.

Their self-oriented performance seems to be pulling legs of the sons who are active in their respective places, Fukuda Tatsuo Defense Parliamentary Secretary, Koizumi Shinjiro Party Deputy Assistant Secretary General, Kono Taro Minister for Foreign Affairs.

(Editorial Committee and Editorial Board of the Political Division)


