文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

But, knew best that this is was a Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai.

2014年02月04日 17時20分34秒 | 日記

Naoki Komuro, one of the geniuses that Japan gave birth is the beginning of a book,

“Quality of politics, it is the responsibility result "it is the write.

Akutagawa Kenji is, it is the think, the Chinese Communist Party, is there is a lot of debt in Japan.

There is no doubt that it is the editorial nobody has said this in the world.

But, knew best that this is was a Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai.

They are the founders of the Chinese Communist Party, which was fighting a fierce battle to not become clear superiority of the KMT is a historical fact.

Communist Party has had or is forced to withdraw in the hinterland of China is also a historical fact.

Recently, that it has introduced a collection of talk excellent scholar of three people of Japan, a disciple of Naoki Komuro at the beginning has been published, readers are as you know.

The following," China of surprise” is from p260, Hashizume Daisaburo ×Masachi Osawa ×Miyadai Shinji ( Kodansha Gendaishinsho ).


Preamble substantially

Second, Japan and China, there was no to be a "war" this.

Therefore it is called “Incident “(meaning that it is not war).

Do not depend on the procedure of war established by the Constitution; Japan has wanted to fight as a “bit of military operations” that can act on its own is the military. And the Vietnam War of the later, this is the same idea.

Because it is not a war, the rule of the international law “that the neutral country must not export an arsenal to the belligerent " isn't applied.

Japan to buy a oil from the United States, China is able to receive the support of foreign countries, including Britain and the United States. Convenience was good in this regard.

According to the tradition of Napoleon army since Japanese forces, was “local procurement “of supplies. Without considering the supply, it can march as soon as possible.

The omission

Momentum of the anti-Japanese increases.In the invasion of the Japanese army, the KMT was able to mount the assistance and support of Britain and the United States.

KMT pressure is reduced, the Communist Party went breath.

It's said that as a result, behavior of the Japanese military and trimmed sets the stage for a successful revolution of the Chinese Communist Party.

Omit the last part

This is, there is in the form of strange, but so (resulting) of debt first.

Second is a clear debt. The Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward policy had inflicted severe of dying for the national economy of China is a historical fact.

The following is from Wikipedia.

At this time,"the Chinese people and Japanese people is a victim of Japanese militarism together" as, Zhou Enlai advocated the politics of "future-oriented"by the logic of dividing the "Japanese militarism " and " Japan people ", it  has to push forward the establishment of a joint statement.

According to this logic , praising how the battle of the Anti-Japanese National United Front, even condemned how the invasion of militarism in Japan, is it not affect things Negative any way to diplomatic relations with Japan .

Political agreement of this “future-oriented " has been carried forward to the present.

It is akutagawakenji from here.

This time and later, from Japan, a large amount of economic aid comparable to the national budget of China at the time is was the long-running. At the same time, the infrastructure of China, Japan over the past years, continued to generously provide the technology of Japan

That it became the cornerstone of the development of China today is a historical fact.

It does know hit home in this thing, is Mao Zedong, it would be Zhou Enlai.

It will be because it was so; the results of the poll at the time, affinity toward China, are was the opposite of today.

Have not been picked up for some reason in the book above , but for China of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai , that is for the Communist Party of China , Japan is was a great benefactor . Unlike the results of the strategic war or politics, first, this should feel indebted to was a hit home.

Rulers who after Tiananmen incident occurred, Jiang Zemin, from the start patriotic education named anti-Japanese education, the education of fascism 12 years mental age in order to divert the eyes of the people, in spite of a way unworthy of the main road of China, it is you're outraged the debt to Japan.

So the age Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai of, public opinion survey of Japan today is has become the opposite result.

It is the Tiananmen Square incident, for the Chinese Communist Party, it was a very serious incident is a historical fact. It was a fateful crisis of the Chinese Communist Party.

But, just because, for their survival, such a manner as to sacrifice Japan,

It is the opposite of the royal road.

 If it is Six Destinees, in a heretic,

Akutagawa Kenji is say so.


Anyone, three years, and if it does the same job, it is able to become somebody of the road.

Those who advanced the way luckily scholar is of such should be to impress a fact on on their mind about it.

And just because you are familiar with China,

China just because powers of 1.3 billion people,

Will not blame their non- ,

It is useless to just have a diminished Japan.

Recently, Yu Hua, which has been featured as one of the artists leading contemporary China in this book, (is obtained by feature h and environmental pollution and economic disparities that serious) China special program that was over several nights of NHK in, “there are only two road China is headed. One would be revolution. The other is a way to slide into democracy gradually. Possibility that the revolution happens as it stands is increasing, but as I am, I hope that it us to soft landing the second street, in the direction of gradual democratization”

Strangely, his wish was that together exactly the wishes akutagawa kenji wrote in “The turntable of civilization “.
