文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Also, in Japan, criticism of the significant one-sided media of the Abe administration,

2019年07月08日 17時13分06秒 | 日記

The following is a chapter sent out on August 27, but it will be re-posted, re-translated, and sent.

A neat article to understand people who control TBS's press department, making incredibly incoherent editing of the TBS (Mainichi Broadcasting) program of the previous chapter, making abysmal biased coverage, featured conversations by Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai and Mr. Hyakuta Naoki, ‘Japan, recover the history!’, of the monthly magazine WiLL released on the 25th.

Preamble abridgment.

‘Spirit remodeling’ of GHQ to Japan


After the US presidential election in 2016, the fairness of the press has become a global problem as the word ‘fake news’ by President Trump has become a hot topic.

Also, in Japan, criticism of the significant one-sided media of the Abe administration, public opinion manipulation by deliberate editing, etc. are rampant.

Alright, when did such biased coverage come to be done?


I am writing about Japanese history now.

The fact that I realize that I am studying again is that the Japanese ‘spirit remodeling’ by GHQ still has a tail.


The occupation policy of GHQ was unprecedentedly harsh in world history.


The heart of the Japanese was destroyed by the ‘War · Gilt · Information Program’ (masochistic thought) which planted the reminiscence.

The American Education for Japan thought education took in the brainwashing know-how that the Chinese Communist Party extended to the prisoners of Japan and the Kuomintang at extortion, and Nosaka Sanzo also cooperated with the occupation policy of GHQ.

Especially the press code was terrible.

A total of 30 items ‘Japanese should not write’ to Japanese newspaper publishers and publishers, for example, criticism of the GHQ, Allied Powers and Tokyo Tribunal were strictly forbidden.

Moreover, criticism of Koreans was forbidden for some reason, too.


We should not say that the Constitution was made by the United States, and we were also prohibited from promoting nationalism, so we could not look at Japan obediently.

Of course, we should not reveal the existence of the censorship system itself.


Besides censorship, a burning book was also held.

For the Allies of libraries and university museums, they have arranged inconvenient publications one after another.

Speaking of burning books, history is famous for Qin Shi Huang and Nazis. This is the worst cultural destruction, history destruction.


America has dyed hands the same way.

The United States, which says freedom of speech, thought and belief, applied full double standards to Japan.

Eto Jun was the one who pointed out that thing correctly.


Those who resisted more than 7 thousand books in total and who resisted ‘leave it as important material’ were severe things that were sentenced to imprisonment for ten years or less.

In Article 10 of the Potsdam Declaration, ‘The Government of Japan must promote democracy, freedom of speech, religion and thought, must respect the fundamental human rights’ is stated.

This is a violation of the evident ‘Potsdam Declaration’ beyond mere double criteria.

Distorted learning


The expulsion of public officials was also terrible.

Because more than 200 thousand people who were assigned the primary office, including the government officials, we're unable to work.


Ichiro Hatoyama on the verge of being nominated was also expelled from the public office.

Even candidates that are not convenient for GHQ will be disposed of even by the prime minister candidate, much more ordinary people cannot talk carelessly.

Notably, it was the educational circle that was terrible.

This draft continues.
