文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Let's save the world with the world's highest intelligence.

2019年01月21日 08時36分50秒 | 日記

My classmates, seniors, juniors. Now is the time to take your pen, the time when you must inform the world about the truth came.
Because...the world is ignorant and stupid.
While we are day and night, for the sake of the world we are struggling in the real industry, China and the Korean Peninsula, abysmal evil and plausible lie, target the United Nations and the United States, France and Germany,
They continued the ferocious Anti-Japan Propaganda in the international community.
Korea is trying to steal until the Sea of Japan, this time, it is taking advantage of the mess in the war, just stealing Takeshima is insufficient.
This case puts Korea favorite Furious lobbying activities on IHO,
To be unbelievable, IHO accepted their lies,
They have ordered Japan to give consultation and have come to this pass.
Already, we are silent about this,
For 2,600 years, the many great men we brought...They are our seniors...against Kukai and Nobunaga, we could not be rationalized away.
Kukai is around 800 years! This is what he said...evil inhabits this world.
Evil cannot be extinguished. Would you neglect it? look on evil with indifference? No, it is not! Draw good deeds ... so that no evil can get in from the gaps of your fingers, pound the good deeds!
That is our duty, everyone.
Besides that, there is no raison d'etre as an elite.
Asahi Shimbun, NHK, Nikkei Shimbun, their agents have entered 5% or more completely because they are the organization that they control wholly...
So, they did not teach us the actual situation of China and the Korean Peninsula at all.
First, you purchase monthly magazine Hanada collection ¥ 926 yen currently on sale at the nearest bookstore,
First of all, translate Professor Nishioka Tsutomu's best exertion into English...he is the real great benefactor of Japan...
As a result of continuing to use Google's translation since 2010 as the world's heaviest user, now it is getting very accurate...
If you paste it on this, English translation comes out instantly.
Everyone should immediately notice a little imperfect place.
It is a pleasant task for us.
But by me alone, indeed, it is short of hands.
I am proud of doing work of 120 million people, but enemies mobilize a lot...
It abounds propaganda of abysmal evil and plausible lie in the international community.
Everyone who is the best players in Japan all have the world's most intelligence, the truth...Translate to the language which all is good at...,
The time has come to let the world know the truth.
Alongside the United States, as the country where the turntables of civilization are turning...
We realize a classless, no-ideology, no religion A society that humanity could not do so far, to the world's best country...
It is time to return to God our appreciation of being born thankfully.
Everyone start with this draft today.
With our world's highest intelligence, we crush the abysmal evil and plausible lie and set true peace and stability in the world.
We all need to translate the best intelligence in human history and the words into the language of the world in the largest library in the history of human beings called the Internet.
Apart from that, there is no way to reward the brain as an elite awarded by God.
Well, Japan and the world,
The truth, the word of truth,
In the history of truth,
Let's save the world with the world's highest intelligence.
Now, hit each keyboard and send out to the world.
If we do it, tomorrow the world will change.
This draft continues.


