文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The East China Sea is a huge test for Japan—and the Americans.

2018年09月07日 14時38分17秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

Doing Something

The East China Sea is a huge test for Japan—and the Americans. The Japanese need to spend much more on defense. But until then, they can better employ the considerable resources they already have.

Towards this end they might establish a permanent Joint Task Force (JTF) to defend the Nansei Shoto and Japanese territory in the East China Sea. Doing so will require the JSDF services to finally cooperate with each other beyond their limited capabilities today.

By themselves the Japanese will be hard-pressed to take on Chinese aggression. Thus, Japanese and U.S. forces need to completely integrate for East China Sea-Nansei Shoto defense. This should start with a regular series of patrols, exercises, and joint-operations, and basing in the Nansei Shoto and surrounding areas.

The JTF should be a joint Japanese and American show, fully linked and integrated. The headquarters will fit nicely at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Courtney on Okinawa, adjacent to the III MEF headquarters.

Along with this military effort, Washington needs to quietly inform Beijing that aggression or even a continued “osmosis” strategy against Japan will bring in the United States.

So, while Kim Jong Un dominates the headlines, bigger trouble is coming in the East China Sea. Japan and the U.S. shouldn’t lose sight of this, and can’t afford to waste any more time. With some effort—and a little luck—they just might convince the PRC to back off.

Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves towards an amphibious capability.


