文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It can be used for precision machines, because it does not freeze, it is also used for

2018年10月03日 13時38分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It is the the white race that dominated modern times, the world.

Themselves were self-confident when they were beautifully excellent existence.

But at the end of the 19th century, they were surprised to see First Sino-Japanese War.

Speaking of the war from the days of Moses, they killed their opponents and took riches and raped women.

The Chinese army certainly did, but the Japanese army had no looting or raping.

They are absorbed in Japanese faultfinding since they were made aware that they had no fragments of morals, they are jealous of Japanese people.

The Japanese Army did a Bataan death march, he also tried to do the Nanjing massacre and borrowed the hands of the Chinese people to try to lower Japan's reputation, but that is conversely the result of lowering their own character Recently they have noticed it.

Even if you rebuke the woman's position is low, knowing the Tale of Genji by Arthur Waley will inform you of the fact that their social status is above the far averaged.

Good material came out there barely.

It is whaling.

As for the Europe and America, it kept doing whaling by many times of Japan.

Whale oil is nice.

It can be used for precision machines, because it does not freeze, it is also used for the Space Telescope Hubble.

Just as a lubricant in the 1980s, synthetic oil was made and quitting whaling.

Since 'defend the friend, the whale of the human being who advanced has intellect against the whaling in Japan.' Became an attractive material for white people.

Good evidence is added to the ring to Switzerland which does not own even the sea.

At the International Whaling Commission this time, Japan was called a halt again to the resumption of whaling.

The same repetition for 30 years since 1988.

It wraps up jealousy to Japan in earnestly and it wraps up love in the word of the protection of resources, and so on, to the wild animal.

Japan's claim does not change.

Keep the ocean cockroach as known as whale at an appropriate amount and protect marine resources.

The IWC withdrawal which is only the place of the jealousy in the sense is desirable for the sea, too.

