文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is immediacy that emphasizes from the preceding that it is necessary to counter this

2019年02月03日 01時53分02秒 | 日記

Everyone who was subscribed to the monthly magazine Sound Argument released the day before yesterday should have thought.
Just subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun etc. and watching NHK etc., the truth of things is nothing! it fully realizes not understanding.
Below is a person I did not know at all until August five years, but he lived in Australia and he encountered it... 
By multiplying the fabricated news of the Asahi Newspaper, anti-Japan propaganda that Korea is unfolding in the world at for some comfort women statue installation campaign,
For the honor and trust of Japan and the Japanese, he faced up squarely to it, and he broke the comfort women statue installation in Australia...
That is an excerpt from a paper published by Mr. T. Yamaoka who is ‘one of the real Japanese treasure’ titled ‘This is not able to overcome the information war with Korea at this.’
The reason for extracting this part is that proved that the world is ignorant, stupid and outrageous.
Preamble is omitted.
Korean propaganda technology
Here I will introduce one episode.
Last year I received a request, when German female reporter of economist magazine Seoul bureau chief interview Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, I accompanied her.
Although it was an interview about the comfort women issue, she clearly did not have much knowledge.
How did she respond to Mr. Sakurai and I explained it based on the facts?
"Well, in Seoul every day so many people roll out and do a demonstration, or staying next to the comfort women statue, are you saying that there is no ground for the woman's claim? ".
Her face appeared as thoughtful ‘There is no way it cannot be such a thing’.
This is it.
It is deceived as a person with common sense.
This is the propaganda technique that Korea has acquired in the history of being humiliated over many years. 
It is immediacy that emphasizes from the preceding that it is necessary to counter this.
This draft continues.

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