文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

As a result, Japan provided the largest financial support for human history to China,

2018年07月11日 12時48分10秒 | 日記

A new publication clearly proving that Takayama Masayuki is the only journalist in the postwar world is a must read for Japanese citizens and people all over the world.

I am in a book review column of the 7/7 Sankei Shimbun, but in the content introduction there was a section of 'Asahi Shimbun that attacks Toshiba as much as possible'.

For a moment, I could not understand why the Asahi Shimbun was attacking Toshiba so much.

Yesterday, at 7 o'clock news, in Fuchu, Hiroshima, despite being sunny, suddenly the river was flooded.

French satellite pictures were aired that there were many landslides that have not been confirmed yet.

I remembered even my anger.

Asahi Shimbun not only severely hurt Japan's honor and credibility in comfort women, Nanjing massacre, etc.

As a result, Japan provided the largest financial support for human history to China, and the Communist Party single-party dictatorship Not only is it helping to increase the economy and military capabilities of China and continuing violating acts against Japanese territory,

By switching the power generation of 30 million KW to fossil fuel by the absolute opposition movement against nuclear power plant, we reduced the national wealth of Japan by 15 trillion yen in just a few years.

Because of stopping all nuclear power plants and switching to fossil fuels,

Globally warming gases generated in the sky above Japan caused abnormal weather in the last few years and finally it has destroyed Japan's land by catastrophe of concentrated torrential rain that covered this western Japan area It is from.

At that time, suddenly I understood.

The reason the Asahi Shimbun attacked Toshiba abnormally on the paper is that Toshiba is one of the companies with the world's best nuclear technology.

Their movement against nuclear power plants that seems to be manipulation of China and the Korean Peninsula any longer,

In industrial power, military power greatly reduces Japan's national strength ...

Because it is a well-known fact that China and South Korea decide nuclear power plant expansion as the country opposite to Japan.

Anyway, to say Asahi Shimbun is an unusual company.

They attack violently their opponent who opposes their masochistic view of history, anti-Japanese thought, placebo moralism.

It is no longer a decent human group

Many citizens were in sync with their opinion survey on such a newspaper company 's opposition to nuclear reactivation movement.

So, the government was still unable to return nuclear power to its original state.

Meanwhile, it continued to burn oil, coal, LPG ... fossil fuel emitting greenhouse gas.

In fact, Japan's global warming since 2011 will be sharp.

Otherwise as in the past ghosts for the first time in 40 years Smog cannot cover Japan.

As I mentioned earlier, the amount of power generated by each nuclear power plant is extremely large.

Three people mentioned as having repeatedly stopped all 54 nuclear power plants that were in the best 3 in the world as well as the media such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK which has been in tune with this and the opposition party politicians is there.

The decision to immediately stop the main power supply that had been generating power exceeding 30 million kW always was a stupidity less than kindergarten and not policy decisions of decent country.

It is no wonder that the world's merchants have multiplied their stupidity.

Immediately, they called Japan premium, etc. for fossil fuels for Japan and sold it to Japan with a large profit added.

It would be so. Even if Japan does not buy no matter how expensive it is, the economy will collapse in an instant ... because the supply of electricity, which is the minimum requirement for the civilized state, stops and it becomes a dark society.

The national wealth lost by Japan because of such foolishness as such a kindergarten child is 15 trillion yen in just a few years.

Correct the disparity the Asahi Shimbun and the opposition politicians talk about in government attacks and placebo moralism et. Can achieve 100%,

The huge amount of national wealth = taxes disappeared while generating a large amount of greenhouse gas.

I thought that the torrential rain that struck the western part of Japan, which is nothing more than this anomaly,

Three people who alone they are rogues no longer,

And Asahi Shimbun and NHK nuclear power plants promoted by media such as has been in sync with this re-work absolute opposition campaign,

I assert that it is the result they brought.

There is only one thing to argue, what people should be thinking about by unfortunate people suffering from abnormal weather.

If you really care about your hometown until you die, instantly restart the nuclear power plant at once, where you really live now, your living base! ... LNG, Coal, Oil Warming Gas Decrease the use of fossil fuels as a source of gas instantly, greatly ... to return to the state by 2011!

Besides that, you should know that there is no way for you to live in the present place.

If you abandon your hometown you love, there are a lot of unnecessary people, unusually high residential cost Tokyo ... Tokyo where the media such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK concentrate,

You do not love your hometown so much, you think that you can abandon anytime, like Tokyo ... If you want to live in such a city, the story is different,

As it stands, even if nuclear power plants are not allowed to operate again, if we continue to burn greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuels that are over 30 million kilowatts, life in your hometown will no longer be possible.

Back in the mountains I knew as a child

Fish filled the rivers and rabbits ran wild

Memories, I carry these, wherever I may roam

I hear it calling me, my country home

Mother and Father, how I miss you now

How are my friends I lost touch with somehow?

When the rain falls or the wind blows

I feel so alone

I hear it calling me, my country home

I've got a dream and it keeps me away

When it comes true, I'll go back there someday

Crystal waters, mighty mountains

Shining like an emerald stone

I hear it calling me, my country home,

As it can no longer be a mountain landslide, landslide mountain, flooding, overflow river,

You should notice things that you can only lose your homeland by continuing to agree with the magazine media such as the Asahi Newspaper and NHK and the political shoes of opposition parties and anti-Japanese thought, anti-moralism, zombie communism The time has arrived.


