文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Asahi, Japanese version also avoided search, Comfort women net articles

2018年09月09日 15時22分32秒 | 日記

The following is an article published on 2 page of the Sankei Shimbun this morning.

This article suggests that the Asahi Shimbun Company is a villainous company,

That aspect is an unscrupulous company equal to or less than the lowest criminals as people living on the net ...

It clearly shows that it is a group of the lowest human beings to discard as human beings.

It is an article that appears evidently as if their articles are hypocritical, which righteousness and assertions that they have talked in paper in a style as if they are democratic guardian deity.

It is also an article proving that the Asahi Shimbun who praised China and the Korean Peninsula continues to write their representative writings because they are also homogenous with them.

Asahi, Japanese version also avoided search

Asahi Shimbun is sophistry as 'operation erroneous' after release.

Comfort women net articles

It is a problem that two English articles concerning the comfort women issue of the website ‘Asahi Shimbun Digital’ were set to be unable to search the Internet, it is a problem that was set to be unable to search the internet, even one Japanese article of the same content, 'Meta tag' was embedded to prevent users from visiting a specific web page was found.

Although this article was a searchable setting at the time of publication, metatags were embedded later.

Asahi Shimbun Public Relations Division stated, ‘When we got an interview with the Sankei Shimbun on the English version of the tag on August 23, we also checked the Japanese version of the article, at that time the operation of the delivery system was wrong, it turned out that it was changed.’

The meta tag has already been deleted and it is said to be searchable.

The new meta tag was found in the morning edition of the morning edition of August 5, 2014, ‘Thinking about the comfort women issue, the upper part’, published in the Asahi Shimbun Digital on the same day ‘The Volunteer Corps’ Confusion ... At the time research was poor and identical’, article.

In the past article, comfort women are said to be, it was mobilized to the front line in the name of 'girls volunteer party', about the part that after explained, after making 'completely different'

Then, it misused by the confusing of a volunteer corps was regarded as being a comfort woman in the material that the research about the comfort woman problem was not moving ahead and that the reporter consulted and so on, too.

According to the confirmation by the service that automatically saves past websites, the search avoidance meta tag did not exist until September 10 last year.

Also, this article was set to be discontinued on April 30, 2019 at 16: 23.

Asahi Shimbun Public Relations Department said, ‘Asahi Digital's majority of articles will not be released after a certain period.’ The comfort women issue article is Considered to be necessary for long-term disclosure, and in April 2016 the expiration date is set as a temporary setting in 2019’ they explained it.

AJCN representative Mr. Yamaoka Tetsuhide found that the meta tag was embedded in a series of articles.

While conducting an activity seeking to rectify comfort women-related English articles with California lawyer Kent Gilbert and others, he noticed the existence of setting to avoid searching.

Meta tag is a keyword that provides web page information to Google and other search engines.

It makes it difficult to search, and conversely makes it easy to search.

Usually it is not displayed on the web page and cannot be rewritten by a third party.

Three meta tags of ‘noindex’, ‘nofollow’ and ‘noarchive’ were embedded in all the articles in question and it was not possible to search.

Meta tag ... Information for specifying the language and characters to use when displaying the document on a web page. Descriptions of the content of the document and keywords are also described. Normally it is not displayed on the screen of a personal computer or the like, but the search engine decides the search ranking with reference to this information.


