文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the malice that tries to give greater pain to Japan disturbing white rule was clearly visible.

2018年07月16日 11時46分24秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Appoint non professional interpreter as constitutional dictator

Some people think that same as anyone because there is a manual, but when reading the history of the Tower of London, for example, the sinners who bought the wrath of the King were deliberately honed with a new executor.

The first executioner trembled, he could not drop the neck with a single blow and swung the ax several times.

There was a bad taste to taste the maximum pain.

GHQ did it, too.

Interpreter Beaté Shiota who graduated from college fresh as a constitutional draft master or let Robert Hall, editor of the military vocabulary dictionary does Englishization of Japanese.

By letting an amateur do it, the malice that tries to give greater pain to Japan disturbing white rule was clearly visible.

Among the amateurs was ‘Crawford F. Sams of the Public Health and Welfare Service (PHW) and nurse E. Matheson’ (Akiyoshi Yamamura ‘Japanese brainwashing of GHQ’).

They had a biased impression that the US style is correct, and Japan is a barbarian country.

‘Pregnancy addicts can drink 1 liter of fresh water per day’, or now they ordered misunderstandings that can be accused of medical malpractice one after another.

Among them, ‘Separate mother and child into separate rooms immediately after birth’ there was also.

The Japanese side strongly opposed, 'mothers and children to sleep together, breasts often come out when listening to the baby's voice, mothers and child's affection is also cultivated.'

But Matheson made a separate room system to order.

Sixty years ago, in the newspaper of the other day, it was said that the baby mistake that was the maternity hospital of the Edogawa was confirmed at the end, but the same tragedy made by GHQ seems to be a considerable number.

This draft continues.


