文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Surrounding useless countries make serious bad things such as abduction and territorial infringement

2017年08月09日 17時02分52秒 | 日記

I wrote that Takayama Masayuki is a man of principle.

My friend suggested his book.

"You Xi Jinping," Anti-Japanese "is to follow the Asahi Shimbun" Masayuki Takayama, Shinchosha 1400 yen

The following is from page 117 to page 120.

Asahi says, "Follow Costa Rica" lies

The lie of the Asahi Shimbun is not just Yoshida Seiji.

Surrounding useless countries make serious bad things such as abduction and territorial infringement.

If we were thinking how we would protect ourselves, the Asahi Shimbun suggested to follow a small country Costa Rica.

"This country regulated military abandonment under the Constitution and invested in education, thanks to that, it became one of the most stable countries in Latin America" "They also worked on neighboring countries, now Panama also abolished the Army”

Article 9 of the Constitution is by no means wrong.

As Donald Keene says "Japan's pride".

So do not think to reprove China or Korea.

Rather it is desirable to live in peaceful diplomacy just like Costa Rica.

This "model of Costa Rica" is entirely a lie.

Like the case of Seiji Yoshida, the lie has been handed down for nearly 20 years, including frequent correspondents such as Ken Fujimori and Chihiro Ito.

When they return to Japan, they are asked to give a lecture from "the site of Article 9 of the Constitution" in various places, save the small money, become professor of Senshu University after retirement, the same prevaricate on the platform again.

As Yoshida Seiji's lie was supported Kiyota Haruhito became a professor at Tezukayama Gakuin University at Asahi Newspaper, reporters writing a lie's guaranteed retirement has been established.

This draft continues.

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