文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

money from Japan for national development without paying individuals for compensation

2018年11月22日 12時08分59秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Furthermore, Japan has abandoned the assets left in the pre-war Korea.

This is an act that is sufficiently applied as post-war reparation, as in the precedent that personal asset British had in India was returned to the individual when India became independent from the UK.

Amazingly it was that amount, and in the survey by the General HQ Private Bureau of Management, it was $ 5.3 billion, excluding military assets.

(Ministry of Finance Fiscal History Room compilation ‘History of Showa Finance from End of War to Peace Treaty’ Toyo Keizai Inc.)

In other words, Japan has made a huge amount of compensation for South Korea with $ 5.3 billion in prewar assets and $ 800 million in war reparations.

And in the Japan - Korea Basic Treaty, the following words are written.

"Confirm that post-war processing will be complete and ultimately resolved"

(Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Agreement)

However, after the conclusion of the treaty, South Korea utilized the liquidation money from Japan for national development without paying individuals for compensation.

There is no doubt that the economic growth of Korea, which is said to be 'the Han River's miracle', along with the efforts of the Korean people, beyond that it was made with the liquidation money paid for this North and South Korea as the driving force.

Then, the Korean government is not informing the people about this treaty to the astonishing thing.

Is it to conceal what diverted to national development without paying to individuals?

Or is it to incite anti-Japanese emotions indefinitely? Or both?

For that reason, Koreans still considers that Japan is not fulfilling its liability, is outraged, is suing lawsuits for damages that ended in Japan, and one of the big gaps between Japan and Korea is there.

I think that it is necessary to know this well as well as Korean citizens and Japanese people.

This draft continues.
