文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I will tell the 18 people who constitute the UN CERD.

2018年08月23日 16時13分59秒 | 日記

The following is from Mr. Seki-hei's paper entitled Xinjiang 'Blue Sky Prison' in the opinion column of today's Sankei newspaper.

I will tell the 18 people who constitute the UN CERD.

Anti-Japan propaganda of China and the Korean Peninsula, in keeping with this, in Japan, those Japanese who do not know, which are called NPOs which are not an exaggeration to say exactly as a traitor, like the Park Geun-hye's let on diplomacy, you rarely receive a ridiculous nonsense you guys, truly received in China's intentions,

Of all thing, Japan achieving the world's highest freedom and democracy ... That is why there are people of sorts that they want to bother to go to the United Nations as proxies of China and the Korean Peninsula and let it on to you It can be done.

It goes without saying that if they are Chinese they are immediately held in arrest and are subjected to felony charges including the death penalty as treason.

It is not known about how or not you who do not know even such a thing are unenlightened human beings though.

At that level, it is a blasphemy against the intelligence of human beings in the 21st century to name scholars and experts.

The following is Mr. Seki-hei's paper.

In the United Nations CERD held in Geneva, Switzerland this month, there is information that ‘There are information that more than 1 million Uighurs are being detained in China,’ surprising the people of the world.

In response, the Chinese delegation strongly rebounded as ‘unfounded slander’.

Apart from the certainty of the number ‘one million people’, suppression against Uighurs is an undeniable fact.

In Xinjiang Self-Governing Area, the Uyghurs who live in autonomous regions are under deprivation and restriction of freedom in various ways and are monitored daily.

It goes without saying that the National Surveillance System that combines the surveillance camera and artificial intelligence (AI) written in the column posted on May 31 covers the whole Xinjiang Self-Governing Area, but in addition to that, now every municipal office of the public, compulsory checks named ‘Safety Inspection’ are carried out daily.

A checkpoint was set up at the entrance of every facility such as a bank, a post office, a hospital, a department store, a supermarket, a movie theater, a free market, a train station, etc. All the people entering and leaving were asked to present an identification card It is being inspected on all of belongings and things on hand. As a result, people in Xinjiang simply live in town and shopping and live normally, and they have received over a dozen or more times per day, occasionally dozens or more times of examination.

To enter the ramen shop and eat the ramen cup, or ease nature every time to enter public toilet, you must undergo an inspection.

In the case of banks, department stores and large facilities, machines like those of airport safety inspections are installed at the entrance, but the examination of ordinary ramen shops and small supermarkets literally depends on ‘human hands’.

In other words, a large man standing at the entrance examines whether you are wearing ‘abnormal things’ while stretching both hands to the body of the incoming person and touching with your fingers.

Of course, even if the other party is a woman, it is OK.

‘Human rights’ something, it is as good as nothing.

Town patrols by armed police and government personnel are also routine.

It is a routine landscape that armed police possessing automatic rifles are patrolling everywhere in Xinjiang Self-Governing District, so the Chinese government has dispatched 200,000 armed police stations to Xinjiang.

Was it still thought that it was missing, the government also hired many ‘patrol staff’ as sub-state civil servants.

Or, organize residents as ‘volunteer patrol squads’ to monitor the city.

Such people exceed an estimated one million people, and government authorities are keeping an eye on monitoring from the corner of the autonomous region to the corner.

In this way, now of Xinjiang, the people who live there, especially Uighur people, with or are checkpoints or are routinely monitored, basic human rights are arbitrarily trampled, freedom and dignity as human beings has been deprived of.

To suppress the independence movement of Uighurs by force, the Chinese government has now made Xinjiang the whole ‘blue sky prison’ right now.

The tragedy of Uyghurs who lost the independence of the state and the race will teach us a lot of things.

If China is deprived of the independence of the state and the nation

The Communist Party of China, what kind of administration, what result do you become in the independence of the state and the people if robbed by China?

We should keep it in mind.


