文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If he does not keep his promise, do not hesitate to do a decapitated strategy.

2018年08月03日 10時27分20秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The students were still shouting against security.

Is it against the war?

On the side of the Sea of Japan, South Korea took over Lee Dynasty Line to occupy Takeshima, the fishing boat was captured, 44 people were killed, and 4,000 people were caught.

Neither students nor newspapers are interested in such a thing.

They do not care about other Japanese people, it wishes it could peace around themselves.

There was a US-North Korea talks.

Kim Jong-un and Trump shook hands.

Asahi Shimbun is already in peace mood, the editorial stated, ‘Do you intend to push for the enhancement of defense capability on the grounds of the threat of North Korea?’

‘Is Aegis Ashore necessary?’

It is its way of talking the same as the student of 1970 year campaign against the Japan - U.S. Security Treaty.

Reality is more serious.

The US raises 200,000 people including the US forces in Korea and their families with the pretext of following the denuclearization of the peninsula.

With the same pretext, the US also terminated the US-Korea military alliance.

So, the Us is pressing Kim Jong-un for CVID (complete, verifiable, irreversible, dismantlement).

If he does not keep his promise, do not hesitate to do a decapitated strategy.

There is no more a hostage called US forces in Korea anymore.

Because the US-Korea military alliance has also disappeared, there is no threat from the north ‘making Seoul a fire sea’ nor a pain in the United States.

Kim Jong-un, who will become desperate where will the attack?

He attacks Japan.

So, Aegis Ashore is useful at that time.

It is the same role as the destroyer watching Okhotsk.

But Trump's target includes not only North but also China.

This country does not observe the promise of the WTO, steal intellectual property of another country, now it takes the feature of a loan shark and takes away the territory of another country with security for a loan.

Furthermore, ignoring international rules, China also occupied Spratly Islands.

China is only a destroyer of the world order.

Trump invoked Article 301 to break it.

The Chinese economy is going to fail.

Xi Jinping at the last minute that country collapses think something is the most affordable and effective means to survive it.

It should swallow Japan.

The Chinese Communist Party of its last moments seeking domination of Japan arc.

China is not only Senkaku Islands but also willing and able to dominate Japanese wealth, technology and land.

North Korea is no longer covered by Aegis Ashore as well as its defense enhancement.

Aegis Ashore is staring at the Chinese Communist Party of its last moments seeking domination of Japan arc.

If we heard what the Asahi newspaper says, tomorrow is a slave of the Chinese.

This draft continues.


