文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

George Harrison - Crackerbox Palace

2018年11月25日 21時19分29秒 | 日記

George Harrison - Crackerbox Palace

[Verse 1]
I was so young when I was born
My eyes could not yet see
And by the time of my first dawn
Somebody holding me they said

I welcome you to Crackerbox Palace
We've been expecting you
You bring such joy in Crackerbox Palace
No matter where you roam know our love is true

[Verse 2]
While growing up or trying to
Not knowing where to start
I looked around for someone who
May help reveal my heart - someone said
While you're a part of Crackerbox Palace
Do what the rest all do
Or face the fact that Crackerbox Palace
May have no other choice than to deport you


[Verse 3]
Sometimes are good, sometimes are bad
That's all a part of life
And standing in between them all
I met a Mr. Grief - and he said

I welcome you to Crackerbox Palace
Was not expecting you
Let's rap and tap at Crackerbox Palace
Know that the Lord is well and inside of you


