文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

decisive post such as the producer of major news programs and the director of the press

2018年09月17日 15時02分12秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

(3) 1980s - 90s

The promoted Korean living in Japan employees occupies a decisive post such as the producer of major news programs and the director of the press.

The program of news 23 invited a certain left-wing weekly magazine’s editor-in-chief of Korean living in Japan (Tetsuya Chikushi), to the caster, it got high audience ratings through the support of viewers of the generation of baby boomers who were immersed in student movements during get school days.

In the House of Councilors election in 1989, ‘Doi Social Democratic Party’ ‘Madonna Boom’ was thoroughly covered by ‘campaign against consumption tax’.

Prime Minister Uno's scandal was reported daily, and we thoroughly called Korean living in Japan party leader of socialist Party 'Otaka-san', it was outright Socialist party support.

Socialist party landslide victory.

An emotional report that ‘the mountain moved’.

This draft continues.


