文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Just because it was so bad it came down to the December general election, but Wakamiya still has

2018年08月13日 14時51分01秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

They are not smart enough to have their own claims, so allocate the editorial of the Asahi Shimbun before the turnout at the television station (Wakamiya) teach them it carefully, we made them parrot our words.

So, there is no need for the whole people to read. Very ‘a few should read the editorials’ (Chikushi)

In short, if they give a foolish commentator the morning editorial and repeat it on the TV from morning till evening, it becomes public opinion, they said in triumph that they could overthrow the Abe administration too.

Tabloid TV show incites ‘The Revolt of the Masses’ (José Ortega y Gasset) and dominates politics.

‘The era of TV politics’ (Chikushi) arrived.

The disgusting two people cheeked up that the Asahi Shimbun and the television decided the Japanese regime and the dialogue is over.

Indeed, in this battle formation Asahi Shimbun succeeded in pressing the Democratic Party to the people.

Just because it was so bad it came down to the December general election, but Wakamiya still has believing that TV politics still has divine power.

That was the headline of the front page of the Asahi Newspaper on the day of the general election ‘Government, change or maintenance’.

It still believed that it could maintain the Democratic Party regime more than half.

Because the Asahi Shimbun appealed 'abandoning nuclear power generation' in the editorial, accusing the LDP of constitutional amendment and fueling fear that exit from deflation is a dangerous bet.

According to editorials by Stupid Otani Akihiro and Mino Monta et al, it is all the time, abandoning nuclear power generation, that the LDP is concerned about holding a metal bat, Ichiro Furutachi said that moving beyond nuclear energy's Yukiko Kada is good, he repeated like a funeral moderator.

For details as to have this blog read, it was the Asahi Shimbun that was dominated by left-type journalists such as Wakamiya Yoshibumi of the Asahi Newspaper in recent decades, he finally left the company this year after he got a huge retirement allowance.

As he went to the head, he still can be in the Asahi Shimbun for the time being, but it may be that the criticism against him is wound in the Asahi Shimbun indeed.



