文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Kakuei was a fourth grade of elementary school and knew the meaning of ‘distribution’.

2018年12月19日 14時56分57秒 | 日記

The following is a chapter sent out from a hospital room where I was hospitalized seven months after suffering from a major illness declared as 25% probability of living in 2011-06-15.

As I already mentioned, I acknowledge Ms. Chikako Ogura as a person with a first-class insight in the age.

I am turning to surplus in the sentence.

I dedicate this English translation to Ms. Ogura Chikako who I respect.

‘It is a spectacle that cannot be without paying when you see it, guaranteeing that you will like it’ Ogura Chikako

If Tanaka Kakuei is alive this year will be 93 years old. Tanaka Kakuei born May 4, 1918 was quietly leaving the world at the age of 75 in 1993.

It is too early death to think from now.

Moreover, it was a desperate death which lost language for nearly nine years after suffering from cerebral infarction.

Today after more than thirty years since Tanaka retirement in 1974, I remember a passage of ‘retirement statement’ issued by Tanaka Kakuei.

'When I am thinking in the way ahead of our country, I will listen to the torrential rain poured down on the earth overnight'

Tanaka Kakuei said he liked listening to the sound of rain.

At this time, Kakuei 56 years old.

At the age of 54, then became the youngest prime minister after the war, but two criticism articles published in ‘Bungei Shinjyu’ triggered public opinion of fierce Tanaka impeachment. Kakuei visits New Zealand, Australia and Burma.

Mr. Yoshihiko Mayumi who was the Mainichi Shimbun's Tanaka watch reporter said, 'The Tanaka regime has run out and it will decide after returning home.' Tell young reporters the nuance of the decision to resign.

The heart in 'to listen to my heart' is corrected by Mr. Yasuoka Masahiro who said Mr. Tanaka as a great person, who decided to resign taking responsibility for plutocracy criticism and national administration confusion.

‘To listen to my heart’ indicates that his presence of mind exists, that is, even if he resigns, there is a composure in his heart.

We hope Prime Minister will have a composure in his heart.

It is not because we are currently under the prime minister, which is said to 'problematic in humanity'.(*It is about Naoto Kan in the era of Democratic Party administration)

Whether it is a Prime Minister or a president or a baseball manager, people are structured not to respect their bosses who do not have composure in their hearts.

Mr. Mayumi introduces the childhood of Tanaka Kakuei in ‘Tanaka Kakuei of the Battlefield’ (Daily Wands).

Leaving the Niigata Normal School and taking a position to Nishiyama Town's Futada General Elementary School, Kanai teacher who oversaw the 4th grade Tanaka Kakuei, was lodging in temples.

The vicinity of Nishiyama Town produces Matsutake.

One day, Kanai teacher is a lunch break chat, muttered to ‘I want to send Matsutake to my parents’home’.

When the lunch break was over, and the lesson started, class leader Kakuei came to the teachers' room and he brought the mountain of Matsutake, which is about to overflow with two cardboard boxes for mandarin oranges, with his classmate.

With Kakuei class leader gathering all the class in lunch break, ‘The teacher is dutiful. Let's gather, being divided from everyone because he is saying that he wants to send a matsutake mushroom to the parents' home’, he says that it proposed.

Soon 50 students divided into mountain behind and the mountain of Matsutake was built.

Kanai surprised it, ‘No, thank you for collecting it, but it is too much for anything. I do not know how to send it to my home’, but class leader Kakuei was indignant.

'What are you saying, teacher, please send it all by all means. If your parents can not eat it at home, they will divide it into neighbors, next door.'

Kanai teacher who was beat, he sent all the Matsutake mushrooms as Kakuei boy said.

After that, Kanai teacher who went back to his parents' house on vacation was surprised.

It is true that Matsutake is home at it was not possible to eat completely, but the parents of the teacher said as Kakuei expected, 'Very glad that it did sharing of a gift to the next neighborhood and the acquaintance'.

I was in the mood of 'A child on your back may guide you across a ford'.

Kakuei was a fourth grade of elementary school and knew the meaning of ‘distribution’.

There are composure, affection and faith in that mind, which is quite different from distributing the name of ‘committee’.

* I read this chapter and instantly recalled the stunning Korean Peninsula (also China) = Ancient Tyranny State theory of Mr. Hiroji Furuta who is one of the world's best scholars right now ... They cannot do the division of labor ...


