文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

as a case that China and Korea prove abysmal evil and plausible lie to the world

2017年08月08日 13時43分03秒 | 日記

The following is from the front page of the Sankei Shimbun on August 6.

In this article, as a case that China and Korea prove abysmal evil and plausible lie to the world, which existed in the relationship between the Suzerain State and Subject state, since the dawn of history, it is an Article to be recorded.

The Asahi Shimbun, thought to be the leading newspaper in Japan, to defeat Japan and the former Japanese army, to dwarf Japan, to drop Japan's honor and trust in the international community, to flatter to China and South Korea, A lie of Yoshida Seiji and 宋斗会 took over one housewife who graduated from Kyushu University and let her go to Korea for a comfort women's discovery activity ... Please give me a name, take the compensation from the Japanese government I will. ... Knowing her activities, abysmal evil and plausible lie jumped.

By the way, it is attorneys such as Kenichi Takagi and Mizuho Fukushima who jumped as a great opportunity to speak their own masochistic thought by discouraging Japan, stealing money from execrable Japanese government.

Because it was an activity to look for something that does not exist, there was no one who responded, but in fact the woman who is an agent of North Korea launched an organization called the Korea Volunteer Association Problem Council etc. and responded to this.

This group has been arrested for fraud, who scoffed a lot of money by saying that it will take money from the Japanese government from prostitutes who are called comfort women who gathered a few years ago.

However, for some reason, only the representative woman Yun Mihyang was released immediately.

The beginning of the article is in the next chapter.
