文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

which Yoshida Seiji was a big liar and the report of the Asahi newspaper was a big lie

2018年02月27日 22時43分22秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Interestingly, the Korean judiciary tried to clear Mr. Oku's case quickly.

"I was strongly advised three times for a prosecutor during interrogation.

It makes me return home with a fine of 500,000 Korean won (about 50,000 yen).

They said to me 'You should return to Japan quickly as soon as possible'.

They seemed that they did not want to spread to the fact to Korea, which Yoshida Seiji was a big liar and the report of the Asahi newspaper was a big lie.

So I insisted. Please prosecute.

Mr. Yoshida’s son has no power to counter the father’s falsehood spreading to the world, although the father’s lie was reported in the big newspaper and all the Japanese suffered terrible mental suffering.

However, the monument of apology is said to have been built with father's royal tax, and now my father passed away, to me who is the father's first son, there is ownership at the monument or a right to dispose.

That right, the son asks me to exercise it.

Therefore, I cannot go back to Japan with 50,000 yen."

In the end, the Korean judicial prosecution charged him guilty.

Mr. Oku laughs and talks.

"It is important that Mr. Yoshida and the Asahi Shimbun's lie are transmitted"
