文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

reported ‘military involvement indicator’ was indeed content that ‘crack down’ vice brokers

2019年08月13日 20時46分46秒 | 日記

The fact that the Asahi Shimbun reported 'military involvement indicator' was indeed content that 'crackdown' vice brokers who are dirty people. This is a chapter that was submitted to 2017-11-09 and 2018-11-09.
'Huge Media - The History of That Fabrication' (KK Best Book, 1,200 yen).
The Asahi Shimbun of War 'lowered the head of Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa eight times at Korea in a forged article of' comfort women forcible carriage,' it did.
Just as it hit ‘One hundred million people die for glory in fighting’ at the morning edition to the Imperial Conference on August 14, 1945, on the day before the end of the war,
Just before Prime Minister Miyazawa's visit to Korea in 1992 (Heisei 4) the Asahi aimed for' fabricated 'articles at the top of the front page.
The course at that time is as follows.
The top article on the Asahi newspaper front page on January 11 'Materials showing military involvement in comfort stations' 'Government view shaking' 'Defense Agency Library, Relationship materials of comfort women are found.'
On January 12, Asahi editorial ‘The comfort women solicited or forcibly entered under the name of a volunteer.’
On January 13, Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato announced 'Apology and reflection' in Asahi's 'additional attack on a weakened enemy' article.
Kato did not investigate and confirm the fact 'foolishly,' and apologized before Prime Minister Miyazawa apologized.
Mr. Miyazawa visited Korea on January 16th, when I summited with President Roh Tae Woo, I also sent words of reflection/apology eight times.
The fact that the Asahi Shimbun reported 'Material indicating military involvement' was, in fact, content that 'crackdown' a bad dealer of dirty people.
This malicious distortion · additional attack on a weakened enemy article of the Asahi Shimbun leads to ‘Kono discourse’ of August, 93 (Heisei 5).
Koichi Kato, who has been functioning liberal, is like those of the Asahi Shimbun.
He said that he passed both Asahi Shimbun and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but elected to enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The career (Tokyo University - Foreign Ministry - Liberal Democratic Party) and Keibatsu blood connection (his father and the House of Representatives) were members of the 'Asahi Favorite' of the deal.

Spoiled by Hiromu Nonaka, suddenly he got out of order to 'Kato's uprising,' it ended politician life practically and closed a position before the Asahi newspaper.


