文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I am painfully feeling regret that I have been taking such a bad newspaper for a long time

2019年01月20日 11時35分33秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

And the severity of articles on the Korean Peninsula on the front page of the Nikkei newspaper today...

It is a topic of pretended moralist and masochistic view of history extreme editorial...

Historical facts revealed by Mr. Takayama Masayuki and Ms. Miyawaki Junko and others were ignored at all,

Upon defeat, the extreme of thought created by GHQ.

A newspaper dominated by humans with traitorous ideas like this...

If this newspaper is not a newspaper writing about the market in any case, it is canceled immediately.

Today, I am seriously thinking about how to cancel this newspaper and obtain only market trends.

As a Japanese citizen, this kind of stupid, not just a foolish thing... When the Korean Peninsula is a country of abysmal evil and plausible lie, when they are baring nature that is an enemy country against Japan,

Far away from sending salt to the lowest nation in history,  

From ancient times it is written that the Korean Peninsula was higher than Japan.

On earth, is the reporter who is writing this column a genuine Japanese?

I am painfully feeling regret that I have been taking such a bad newspaper for a long time.

There will not be any foolish newspaper like this newspaper...Besides the Asahi Shimbun and TBS etc.

It is a different meaning from what co-author of Mr. Yoichi Takahashi from Ministry of Finance and Mr. Hideo Tamura from Nikkei Newspaper have revealed...

Philosophy and thought that is the most important as a nation... In terms of brains, the Nikkei newspaper is full of stupid.

The fact that Nikkei, Asahi Shimbun, NHK has promoted and increased the country of abysmal evil and plausible lie, the essence of China and the Korean peninsula,

The column of the Nikkei newspaper this morning was disclosed in the world.


