文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Through anti-Japanese education, racism and hate against Japanese whirl throughout Korea

2019年03月05日 11時46分05秒 | 日記

3-3-4. Old man murdered for making a pro-Japanese remark
According to the Segye Ilbo dated September 12, 2013,17an honest, ninety-five-year-old man, who said, “the days under Japanese Occupation were not so bad,” was beaten to death, on account that the old man vindicated Imperial Japanese rule.
The article reads: One day last May, Mr. Ko so-and-so (aged 38) had a quarrel with Mr. Pak so-and-so (aged 95) in the park in the Jang-ro district in Seoul. Mr. Ko was drunk and could not restrain his anger, hearing Mr. Pak say, “Japan’s colonial rule was a good thing.” Soon enough, Mr. Ko kicked Mr. Pak very hard and took the 80-centimeter-long cane Mr. Pak used to support himself and hit the latter on the
head with the stick over and over again. Mr. Pak was immediately carried to hospital. At first, the court treated the incident as a simple case of violence, but during the trial, Mr. Pak, hospitalized and under medical treatment, died, which raised the seriousness of the crime. [omitted.]
The Seoul District Court changed Mr. Ko’s charge to manslaughter and sentenced him to five-year imprisonment.
It was a very sad case, but surprisingly, it was not Mr. Pak, who died, but Mr. Ko that gained sympathy and was vindicated by a majority of Koreans.18
17 http://www.segye.com/newsView/20130912002907
“In the first place, the old man was guilty at the point when he praised Imperial Japan and deserved to be killed,” “We should give Mr. Ko a medal of honor,” and so on.
Mr. Ko is treated almost like a hero.
Through anti-Japanese education, racism and hate against Japanese whirl throughout Korea.
In Korea, you cannot tell the truth unless you are ready to be beaten to death.
What a horrible country Korea is! The thought makes us shudder.


