文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

But what about 'harming Asia'?Japan has not fought with Asian countries in the previous war

2018年07月15日 10時10分42秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Watanabe new president is also ‘arrogant Asahi newspaper’

Oma Nuclear Power Plant is not accepting the wisdom lag group of the example and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Besides, the full MOX is fuel of ‘Germany gave up trying to do’ with a shady history.

In other words, it is trying to shut out Son's photovoltaic power by deciding to generate electricity by Oma who does not know it operates or not ', it is asserting that it is.

On first reading I understand that Ueda wrote articles in ‘biased impression’ that ‘Nuclear Power Plant is not good and solar power is correct’.

‘Full MOX gave up by Germany’ is cited, but it is probably ‘biased impression’ of ‘white people are great’, that Germany does not work because Japan is useless.

About the JR Tokai 's Superconducting Magnetic Levitation Railway was also done by German Messerschmitt and Germany gave up.

Miniaturization which put quartz which was about the size of western dance into wristwatch is also German was not good, Seiko succeeded, Seiko released the patent to the world for free.

Not only a servile but also an inexperienced reporter can only write articles with biased impression and prejudice in the end.

This is a good example.

Watanabe is also Watanabe.

Why did you forgive articles ignoring your remarks on the same date?

‘No, that's giving lip-service only’, as if to say correspondence.

In fact, the rest of the paper remains as long as the arrogant Asahi Shimbun.

First, from the brief edition of the New Year that talks about the 70th anniversary of the war, ‘Abe has not touched the harming responsibility to Asia the succession Prime Minister expressed,’ and began with criticism.

But what about 'harming Asia'?

Japan has not fought with Asian countries in the previous war.

Japan fought against the Western countries that had laid a tyranny with colonizing Asia.

This draft continues.


