文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

not mention the justification for humanity of a single-party dictatorship state at all

2019年01月20日 10時46分34秒 | 日記

Last night...it did not mention the sustainability as a nation of China, a single-party dictatorship state, or not mention the justification for humanity of a single-party dictatorship state at all, but it mentioned only 1.3 billion people market,

Steal all kinds of technology and information from Japan, the United States and Europe...

For Japan, media such as Asahi Shimbun and NHK and politicians, money trap or honey trap, set a trap of forged history problem etc.,drawn the greatest financial support in human history and technical assistance from such as Panasonic company etc...

Anyway, China has been receiving ODA from Japan until this year! ...

Therefore, at a breath achieved economic development,

Featured programs that continued to repeat that it is a superpower lined up with the United States from the beginning to the end with focus only there ...

Anywhere in the world, shameful and embarrassing traitor and treasonist show any more?

That which it kept keeping a man appearing who is not only other than a man of small caliber...as I already mentioned...if I are an information agency in China...this guy always targets...

Continue to make Ian Bremmer appear,

Although it is taking a plausible appearance, in fact, obviously praise Chinese special feature program,

The world will become polarized between the United States and China...How to make a special feature program as if there are only the United States and China in the world...

But it is taking plausible appearance, in fact, obviously praise Chinese special feature program,

NHK, a Japanese national broadcast,

Bizarre of reporting as a special feature program for golden hours!

This draft continues.


