文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The incident that the Nanjing massacre and so on was wrongly reported by Honda Katsuichi

2019年07月18日 14時42分56秒 | 日記

Asahi Shimbun and NHK, like the so-called cultural people who are in tune with them, make fun of or criticize Trump,

The reader is familiar with what I never do.

Nobody other than Trump did fear Kim Jong-un of North Korea who was continuing its nuclear development from the bottom of his heart.

And pulled it to the US-North Korean summit meeting.

Former Asahi prominent reporter testified that the Asahi newspaper was also called Communist China without calling China

In the tradition which is the country of abysmal evil and plausible lie, the one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party ... The fact that the tyranny of the Communist Party is nothing other than evil is the fact that history proved ... China with a lousy dictatorship ... Former Asahi prominent reporter tested that the Asahi newspaper was also called Communist China without calling China.

Of all things, aiming for world domination, arrogantly conducting many lawless acts.

Although the stripling scholar, which the Asahi Shimbun and NHK collaborated to invite and televised special programs, was a German philosopher.

The Germans are obviously not aware of China's various domineering and human rights violations, far from attacking their evil ambition,

To overtake Japan, which is the biggest competitor in their most significant industry automobile production,

Merkel visited Japan only once before Prime Minister Abe, but she had visited China eight times.

Germany has given high power to China to grow presumptuous because of such a mean spirit.

Stripling, which is called a philosopher of such a country, denied President Trump to be entirely worthless.

In Japan, the Asahi Shimbun cooperated with propaganda in China to coincide with the advertisement of China.

The incident that the Nanjing massacre and so on was wrongly reported.

By Honda Katsuichi in the travel of China and spread this to the world. Honda's book has become a best seller.

Japan was dominated by the Asahi Shimbun until August four years ago ... by stupidity.

In Japan, the fabricated articles created by the Asahi Shimbun made most of the people have a sense of ransom against China.

With our stupidity, as a result of continuing to give China the most significant financial aid in history.

They are arrogant and keep lawless behavior in our presence now, it is a communist one-party dictatorship = Xi Jinping dictatorship.

But that was beginning to expel that evil against the world as well.

In other words, understanding that the critical world crisis has arrived on the mind, President Trump is the one who beat out this stoutly.

Obama continued to grow China with stupidity, unlike foolish Japan, lowly German.

Obama continued China to grow presumptuous with stupidity unlike foolish Japan, lowly German.

But Trump is totally different.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is saving the world.

Because, I think you want to see, such as the world has been dominated by Xi Jinping is, of Germany, on the other scholars of that stripling, because not anywhere.

When Xi Jinping kept the relations between Japan and China cold for a long time, he suddenly arrested Japanese businessmen who were visiting China with false accusations. ... The other day, it also handed down all of the things, actual prison sentences.

If Japan applies to China as well, how much Chinese should arrest and detain you?

That will be many arrestors.

To countries that arrogantly do such unreasonable things, or to countries that invade the Senkaku Islands, Japan's airspace, territorial waters,

Or, as in the case of daily, the intent of violation of the territory is revealed,

It has no military power to deter China's actions that are deepening the threat to Japan,

Japan is a foolish country,

President Trump is the opposite man of Japanese foolishness.

Lawless cyber-attacks, lawless stealing technology, etc. are no longer allowed.

Whether to target world domination,

The country of abysmal evil and plausible lie,

China will target world domination with a crime as a single-party dictatorship of the Communist Party,

The US will not allow any more,

That is the policy for China that Trump is doing now.

Trade war, somehow, avoid it

NHK has China Central Television in-house,

Since president Hirooka, it is no exaggeration to say that it is under the control of China Asahi Shimbun, etc.,

Trade war, somehow, avoid it, or it stopped quickly,

Indeed, in such a manner that there is no piece of journalist's brains,

They are reporting the play of the school arts festival shamelessly.

President Trump is a person who is opposed to such a thing.

It does not permit China to do any more tyrannies any more.

That is because it is Trump That there is no mistake.

How can you criticize Trump for lowly German and stupid Japanese media and speech people?

Much more and mocking is out of the question.

Because of the East China Sea issue, the South China Sea issue, absurd arrests and unlawful Japanese businessmen's arrest and decision of prison sentence,

Japan cannot do anything against these incredible tyrannies... because Japan is to be ridiculed.


