文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They tend to be emotionally biased and devoid of reason.

2017年12月30日 12時30分18秒 | 日記
Historical Warfare.
Full-Scale Information Dissemination on Conscription
Prominent South Korean commentator Cho Gab-je spoke at the Institute for National Fundamental Questions think tank on December 19. 
"Why do 70% of South Koreans continue to support President Moon Jae-in, who is pro-North Korea and has anti-Korean values? Why are South Koreans so oblivious to the crisis facing their country? The reason is that Koreans' ability to think is declining." 
He attributed the decline in Koreans' ability to think to the fact that they have banished the use of Chinese characters and have come to use only Hangul.
I will leave aside, for now, the correctness or incorrectness of his analysis.
But it is clear that Koreans have become enthralled by stories created independently of historical facts instead of paying attention to the reality of history.
They are intoxicated by "national tragedies" that are far removed from the facts, and as a reaction, they give themselves over to anti-japanese solid sentiment.
They tend to be emotionally biased and devoid of reason.
The Japanese side has also avoided facts-based discussions in response to these people.
In this sense, both Japan and South Korea are responsible for the unfortunate rift in the history issue that lies between the two countries.
At least, this was the case before the Abe administration. 
The power to stop the anti-Japanese history war by South Korea lies in the facts of history.
Only by presenting the facts can Japan stand up to the historical fabrications of South Korea and China.
In other words, our country has only facts.
Realizing this, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been trying to confront historical issues with facts. 
However, even if the prime minister thinks so, the darkness in the hearts of those in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other related ministries is so deep that even pointing out basic facts is resisted by some because it will provoke South Korea.
Taking that into consideration, on December 22, on the website of the Industrial Heritage National Congress (from now on referred to as the National Congress) (https://sangyoisankokuminkaigi.jimdo.com/), material about Hashima in Nagasaki Prefecture Island common name Warship Island, and that the former islanders' testimony was posted should be said to be an outstanding achievement of the Abe administration. 
Following the comfort women issue, China and South Korea confront the drafting worker issue in Japan. In 2017, Korea completed a horrible movie about the issue and showed it to UNESCO officials.
They also published books and picture books.
In 2018, images of drafting workers could be set next to the image of comfort women in various places. 
A serious counterargument starts.
They called the warship island the' island of hell' and 'island of forced entrainment' and are raging to position Japan as a country of the Holocaust as well as Nazi Germany.
However, we do not repeat our mistake of the comfort women problem.
It will be a determination to be included on the website of the National Congress.
Fact corrects the fabrication story of the history of China and South Korea and informs the truth.
By fact facts talk about ability, it will be a severe counterargument by Japan.
The masterpiece is a video testimony of former islanders of Hashima Island.
Former islanders have examined and argued the writings and articles distorting the historical facts of Hashima Island one by one.
What is covered are various publications and materials that condemn us, which Japan forcibly entrusted Koreans and Chinese, worked like slaves, and treated as inhuman.
For example, Mr. Hayashi Eidai, an author, painted Hashima Island as "an island for forced entrainment of Koreans."
In 'Chikuho / Battleship Island' (Gen Shobo), he wrote, ' It entered the island through Hell Gate and entered, but it could not get out of the island for the rest of their life last time.
Former islanders dismiss Hayashi's theory,' I have never heard of you (Hell Gate, etc.). '
Once it landed on the island, he condemned that it could not leave the island again, 'when we left the island and went to other islands, we could not go if it got a document called a foreign navigation certificate, which was the same for Japanese People. ', explaining that in the background there was a case that leaving the island without returning with debt.
Witness of history
Mr. Hayashi wrote the severity of the coal mining operation inside the pit as follows. 
"The coal seam height of one-meter Korean miners had by implanting picks remain Standing knee," "coal seam which is said to be a two-feet layer was the place to be digging sleeping in about 60 centimeters, a short handle picks."
Former islanders are the people who worked in the pit.
They uniformly argued.
"The coal inside the pit was dropped with air, and it was not used to dig up coal, just about hitting a little floating."
It is said that there was no work of digging by putting in force.
For 'Digging Standing knee as it is' or 'Lie down digging,' there was never anything like 'Lie down digging, so why do you put a coal wagon?'
"It was dangerous and technically dangerous to use Koreans for digging coal. So they got worked backward, loading the coal taken by the Japanese into the coal wagon and pushing it was their role." Every testimony is concrete as it is based on experiences.
Their remarks as witnesses of history, such as the circumstances of the pit and the process of coal mining, the clothes at the time of entering the work, various preparations, the actual condition of the team formation, and so on, are incorrect information that has been dribbled without being checked it is correct.
What has been verified is extensive, including Mr. Hayashi's work, a brochure of Nagasaki City's 'Masaharu Oka Memorial Nagasaki Peace Museum,' and a wrong article from 'Süddeutsche Zeitung.'
On the National Congress website, you can see testimony from former islanders and many pictures depicting the island at the time and the state of the coal mine.
The modernity of the equipment that the predecessors built and the energy exported by Japan to the coal industry as a national policy industry are seen.
In 2018, the history against China against Korea was intensifying more than ever.
They intend to defame Japan as a Holocaust Country, breaking down facts with each other, and information dissemination for that purpose is essential.
