文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

‘Enemy soldier beast’ campaign was a classic brainwashing method

2018年09月12日 17時58分20秒 | 日記

The following is from monthly magazine released on 9/10, Mr. Watanabe Soki's article entitled 'The preparation to abandon a life' in Voice this month issue.

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

Preamble abridgment.

Reason for fighting

In the last great war, the American people did not want to engage in the war in Europe.

In August 1941 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), aiming to participate in a war, talked with Prime Minister Churchill off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, and announced the ‘Sublime’ Atlantic Charter.

Although there was an aim to fuel the people's anti-German sentiment, public opinion did not change the position of noninterference.

In World War I, most people came to feel that was deceived by President Woodrow Wilson.

It was Pearl Harbor surprise attack that overturned that public opinion.

Brainwashing using the media saying ‘Germans and Japanese are beasts’ to the indignant people began.

‘Enemy soldier beast’ campaign was a classic brainwashing method called ‘enemy inhumanization’.

Immediately after the war, many American citizens burned with hatred of Axis countries.

Volunteers also rushed.

But his passion was getting cooler after a while.

In the survey of the next year (1942) following the participation in the US, I answered that I do not know the reason for one of three soldiers (to risk one's life) (* 2).

Hollywood produced a lot of propaganda movies that encourages hatred of enemies, but it was not successful for increasing one's fighting spirit.

Soldiers who do not know what they are fighting for do not hate enemies.

If you doubt about fighting, that feeling will induce mental illness.

As General Patton did doubt, there were some who pretended to be sick, but a considerable number suffered from genuine disease.

There was a fierce fight in Guadalcanal Island in August of the year when the survey was carried out.

More than 20,000 garrisons in Japan died.

About 7000 American soldiers are also dead.

In the tropical rainforest, many US soldiers disrupted the balance of spirit, in front of the Japanese army resisting hard while lurking in the cave.

It was as serious as to have to return to the mainland of the United States at a rate of two in five people (* 3).

These facts do not come either in recorded movies nor in Hollywood movies.

Even the General Patton that President Trump admires is hard work to convince the reason to fight one soldier.

In modern times where propaganda is easy to come to light, troops all over the world must be suffering from ‘motivating to fight’.

It is difficult to make myself prepared to abandon its life unless there is a situation where his home country is invaded.

Because the masses rarely move due to the metaphysical philosophy.


