文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Regarding this' Notify in the morning, immediately enforce 'CNN and French paper Les Echos said,

2018年07月27日 11時05分24秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

His death sentence took place on the Russian Revolution Day 7th November of that year.

It was a concern only for the hearts of Japanese police for those living in communism.

* With this fact even, the lies and deception of the fact that the Asahi Shimbun continues to report that Japan before the war and wartime is terrible (to cover up the sins of Asahi), is blatant. *

According to the record he was informed of enforcement after breakfast at 7 am when he went back to a prison cell with a postcard addressed to his wife.

The death was 8:51 am.

Sorge was also executed a little later and in the same place.

Asahara Shoko, which was executed the other day in the Tokyo Detention Center, was the same procedure as Ozaki Hotsumi 70 years ago.

It was informed of the execution of sentences after breakfast.

Regarding this' Notify in the morning, immediately enforce 'CNN and French paper Les Echos said,' They did not include family members and lawyers, they also told him first before enforcement. They gave mental pressure to both him and his families, it is fierce 'to criticize.

So how is the United States?

Usually, they notify you one month before the enforcement, and the death-row convict is transferred to the execution place.

After that, he spends the day he cannot sleep every day until the execution date.

In the meantime, it is called ‘dead man.’

This one seems to be so cruel.

The day before the enforcement is permitted to face the family, it can order favorite things for the last supper.

When I interviewed San Quentin before, 'There are people who ask for steaks and prime ribs, but nobody eats them, they only drink water immoderately.', they said.

France Le Figaro wonders that ‘Japan is affirming the death penalty, and abolition theory are not happening’ immoderately.

It was said by former Swiss envoy Aimé Humbert-Droz.

200 people died in the Tohoku earthquake, and 63 people died in the eruption of Ontakeyama 200 people died in western Japan of localized heavy rain.

Children of Japan are raised in Iroha singing an uncertain world.

We think that it is the way of ending which is more desirable that sinners can give the place of the compensation.

I do not want to be told by the country that it had been executed gladly 600,000 people with the guillotine for the revolution and so on.

The same is true for the United States who are pleased with 38 simultaneous executions.

A civilized country pose is indecent about the death penalty.


