文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

who prolong restart by intellectual laziness, incompetence and irresponsibility.

2018年09月13日 09時13分13秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

Do not you use the nuclear power plant?

But the most important point is left behind.

Why will not you use the Tomari nuclear power plant, which can be another pillar of Hokkaido's electricity supply?

Tomari nuclear power generation capacity is 2,070,000 kw, which is larger than Tomato Atsuma power plant.

Although the Tomari nuclear power plant temporarily lost external power supply due to the earthquake this time, emergency power generation started normally.

If Tomari nuclear power plants were running, it seems that all Hokkaido blackouts were not occurring.

At least arguing that Tomari Nuclear Power Plant will be responsible for a balanced and steady supply of electricity.

The current situation that Tomari nuclear power plants are not allowed to operate is probably due to intellectual laziness which is unlikely to be a group of experts of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as ‘Regulatory Committee’).

Tomari nuclear power plant was operating normally even at 3.11 of 2011, but on 5 May 2012, due to regular inspection, it stopped driving.

In the same year, the regulation committee was established under the Democratic administration, Mr. Tanaka Shunichi took office as the first chairman.

The Regulatory Committee received 3.11 and established new regulatory standards and began safety review based on the new standard.

The period required for the initial examination was set to ‘about six months’.

However, they added new examination items one after another, kept straying because they could hardly decide the values to be standards.

In addition, they conducted public comments listening to opinions from the public after the safety review.

In the editorial dated February 22, 2014, ‘Yomiuri Shimbun’ criticized that the conclusion may be postponed further by incorporating irrational procedures.

The same thing applies to the authority of the international community on nuclear power and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that the evaluation to the Regulatory Committee is severe.

On 23 April 2016, the IAEA has handed over to Japan as follows.

"The (Japan's) nuclear regulatory committee is in the early stages of its human resources, management systems, and especially its organizational culture."

The regulatory committee, which has received harsh indications equal to all denials, is still as usual.

It is said that it is a controversial theological issue about the presence or absence of a fault in the Tomari nuclear power plant site, which will last another two years.

I believe that there is a direct responsibility for depriving the two men of the lives mentioned above that they are the ones who prolong restart by intellectual laziness, incompetence and irresponsibility.


