文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

a senior official of the Ministry of National Security, China's intelligence agency

2018年10月19日 19時10分15秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

It was also noted that Ayan Memet (78), a mother of Dolkun Isa of World Uyghur Congress President, died in the camp in May this year, being tightly written.

Mr. Isa served as secretary general of World Uyghur Congress 2012, I invited Uyghur, Tibet and Mongolian representatives of the three peoples to the international symposium by think tank 'Japan Institute for National Fundamentals' entitled,' Swell of Asian freedom and democratization, what should Japan do? '.

At that time, Mr. Isa participated on behalf of World Uyghur Congress.

He escaped from China, acquired German citizenship, and currently lives in Germany.

Because the son condemns the Chinese government overseas, China will drive the 78-year-old mother to the camp.

It is to punish Isa, and elderly Memet breathed out in a bad environment.

Many other elderly people, young children, and people suffering from disease also die one after another in camps.

Annual reports vividly enumerate such cases.

How hard did Memet get in her suffering at the end of her life?

What is Mr. Isa's sorrow and anger?

The international community does not allow such treatment.

Uyghur people, et al Muslim oppression by Xi Jinping regime

Mr. Rubio and others continue denouncing Uighur people, et al Muslim oppression by Xi Jinping regime as ‘a crime against humanity’.

Hard-line policy for China

On the same day that Rubio and others told a news conference, the Department of Justice also took a hard-line policy for China.

It accused Xu Yanjun, a senior official of the Ministry of National Security, China's intelligence agency.

This draft continues.
