文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the Japanese side also sticks to do-or-die resistance and collaboration with the Soviet Union

2018年10月23日 21時24分22秒 | 日記

The following Mr. Ezaki Michio's work is a historical masterpiece.

It is not an exaggeration to say that you do not know the things of Japan from postwar to today until you read this book.

The root of the information maneuvering activities that the Communist Party of China (Eighth Route Army) had been doing to Japan is a bipartite argument (also adopted in the United States) ... It distinguishes between the government and the citizen; the citizen is right and supposes that the government is terrible. ...

This morning, I asked a friend who is a leading reader, 'the state of the media of Asahi Shimbun and so on and it that is saying that this brainwash still continues,' no, he responded that they will be already saying being specialized to it.

Below is from p216, but unless I introduce it from the previous chapter, the meaning which this chapter clarifies may not be fully understood, please subscribe to the nearest bookstore.

This chapter is a must-read by Japanese citizens, especially Okinawa prefecture people.

The fierce battle in Iwo Jima and Okinawa pushed back the ‘unconditional surrender policy.’

In contrast to the United States adhering to the unconditional surrender policy as it is, the Japanese side also sticks to do-or-die resistance and collaboration with the Soviet Union, and in the direction of the Soviet participation in the war to Japan to the defeat revolution of Japan, it was able to progress.

The one to have broken through this crisis was the fight of the officers and men and the civilian in Japan on Iwo Jima - at Okinawa and so on.

Iwo Jima and Okinawa were important goal targets to grasp the success or failure of the US mainland invasion plan that was scheduled for autumn 1945.

In these two fights, however, the US military encountered the robust resistance of the Japanese army, continued fighting an inch of land, forced enormous casualties.

On Iwo Jima, where the landing of the US military began on February 19 immediately after the Yalta talks, the Japanese army led by Lieutenant Kuribayashi Tadamichi forced the entire Iwo Jima of 22 square kilometers into a fortress.

Even the commanders of the US Marines who are proud of the U.S. are looking at the Japanese military's careful preparations with aerial reconnaissance photographs to be astonished.

U.S. Army, which was planning to occupy the island in 5 days from the start of the attack, eventually ended the death battle for more than a month.

Approximately 20,000 Japanese defenders on the defensive side were almost annihilated, but the number of casualties on the offensive side exceeded that on the Japanese side.

The Japanese army thoroughly forced the US military to lose.

Battle of Okinawa is also a fierce battle that British prime minister Winston Churchill called ‘the fiercest and most famous battle in the history of military history’ and on April 1 (the US military landed Okinawa main island. The landing of the Kerama islands on From March 26) until June 22, the battle lasted nearly four months.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Simon B. Buckner who was Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Okinawa war has also killed.

Also, the US military said the officer was too deadly to kill, and he had no time to remember the name of the officer he was assigned to.

Especially the battle in the first fight of Shuri battle ‘Battle of Kakazu,’ the Japanese army guards the hillock called Kakazu hill near Futenma for 16 days from 8th April, according to one theory about 24,000 The casualties of the name are issued (with various opinions).

In the battle of Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and others, it faced the brave and robust resistance of the Japanese army and got a lot of casualties, so that the voice which demands 'it reconsiders an unconditional surrender request' among the U.S. army executives strengthened.

‘The Battle of Okinawa ended with an overwhelming victory in the United States. Japan's army troops were annihilated, destroying hundreds of airplanes and battleships of the Imperial Navy. However, when this strategy was over, there was no such thing as an American who was involved in the battle but felt a sense of elevation even a little. Before the task to refrain from going, the emotions of anxiety and fear were exclusive. If it is so hard to win a base in the Ryukyus, how much fierce battle will the invasion of mainland Japan.’

In Okinawa in particular, not only the military and the public, that is, soldiers, but also civil servants and civilians have united and resisted, so even in the mainland landing operations, strong resistance by not only the Japanese army but also civilians is expected became.

This draft continues.
