文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is undeniable that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' foolishness to recommend to the

2018年08月31日 17時22分12秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

For these 18 people, I am a Nobunaga, who lives now, to tell Yama in hell to encounter the worst torment,

Eighteen stupid bad guys who work evil by taking advantage of no punishment in this world,

Nobunaga gives punishment in the other world ...

This is because these 18 people are the worst villains who continue to give to abysmal evil and plausible lie.

Because Japan cannot forgive such rude already ... It will be about things like Asahi Shimbun, Hayashi Yoko and Komatsu Taisuke's IMADR, China and the Korean Peninsula ... First, Let's immediately stop paying the funds.

Anyway, Miyazawa Toshiyoshi 's children such as Hayashi Yoko ... Miyazawa has dominated the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law while changing the doctrine of constitution to 180 degrees for the swearing allegiance to GHQ.

Hayashi Yoko is the mass of anti-Japanese thought and masochistic view of history inheriting its theory of Miyazawa.

Because it is making the culture for the first time in the history of mankind such as classless, no ideology, and no religion, Japan, the country where the turntable of civilization is turning around,

People who are happily doing attacks Japan such as discriminating women or not having freedom,

It is undeniable that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' foolishness to recommend to the United Nations to the committee, even chairman.

I do not have any malice for Mr. Miyake Kunihiko, but it is probably 5 yen lower than just being from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For example, I would like to ask reporters of the example Süddeutsche Zeitung ... not a country where France and Poland, Germany's neighbors, have produced a large number of artists and Chopin’s etc., a completely pre-modern state (According to Mr. Hiroshi Furuta, the world's leading expert on South Korea, it is an ancient country)When she persistently carrying anti-German propaganda with the United Nations CERD, make your country a member or chairman of CERD, who would like to attack Germany in keeping with them, and make recommendations to your country Or.


