文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China is the threat of Asia-Pacific, and the source of the risk is China's economic power

2019年07月08日 17時01分06秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

From ‘quasi-allies’ to ‘potential enemies’

Trump, a Republican candidate in the US presidential election, took place from 2015 to 2016, repeated for voters.

"The reason why the United States suffered a recession was that China destroyed the manufacturing industry in the United States by fraudulent dumping exports and deprived employment. Moreover, the Democratic Party and the Republican Establishment (the dominant layer) who receive a significant contribution From multinational companies that made profits from China's illicit exports, they 've pretended not to look at it,

Let's regain control of politics from Establishments and revive the United States again as a great country (Make America Great Again) "

Many people think lightly that this remark of Trump during the election is a kind of lip service in Japan, but this way of thinking leads to the current US-China trade war.

Professor Navallo's ‘Crouching Tiger: What China's Militarism Means for the World’ is the theoretical background behind Trump's remarks and is described in chapter 42 as follows.

" China is undertaking many unfair trade practices such as currency manipulation, illegal export subsidies, intellectual property infringement, protection of home market to promote export-led economic growth by strengthening the manufacturing base of the country, it relies on it.

 Economic growth and a strong manufacturing base have brought China a wealth of resources for improving and modernizing military capabilities.

 China has dominated neighboring Asian countries such as Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam due to various problems such as trade and territorial issues, with its dominant economic strength as a weapon.

 Since the accession of China to the WTO in 2001 and free entry into the US market, the US has lost more than 70,000 manufacturing plants, and the economic growth rate has shrunk to less than half.

 With the slowing down of economic growth and the weakening of the manufacturing base, it is gradually for the United States to maintain the size and quality of military power sufficient to ensure its own security and to fulfill the duties of the treaty to all Asian allies It is becoming difficult "

China is the threat of Asia-Pacific, and the source of the risk is China's economic power that grew with unfair trade.

So, cutting down on its economic power is to protect US national interests and allies.

In the ‘National Security Strategy’ announced on December 18 last year on the back of Professor Navarro's debate, the Trump administration announced that ‘the status change force’ by force with China and Russia, i.e., ’A power to aim for the shift to the world.’

Some people misunderstood as if the US-China ‘cooperative’ relationship had continued for a long time, but the United States had a collaborative relationship with the Chinese Communist Party government since 1972 when President Richard Nixon visited.

At the time of the US-Soviet Cold War, to combat the threat of the Soviet Union, the Nixon administration dared to establish a cooperative relationship with the communist state, China.

Japanese companies were able to enter China safely because this US-China cooperation was formed.

Since then, the United States has tried to encourage democratization by supporting the economic development of China.

But China not only dismantled the manufacturing industry of the United States due to unfair trade practices, promoted military expansion, military in the South China Sea Making a base, but it also began to behave as insane in the East China Sea including the Senkaku Islands.

The Trump regime thought that it had changed its strategic position from ‘quasi – allies’ to ‘potential enemy country’ for the first time in 45 years.

This draft continues.
