文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

There should are not few persons who were disgusted, knowing that it was such a description

2018年02月10日 21時33分46秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It sends a fact.

It is the education that becomes the basis which invents such a way of thinking and a mind.

It is the reason that it cannot help paying attention to the textbook which is used at the classroom.

For example, now, as for the textbook of each Inc., how are you describing the drafting worker problem that both China and South Korea countries assume that it is the material of the Japan denouncing?

Tokyo Shoseki is describing that it was ‘about 700,000 are taken to the Japanese mainland by the oppression of the administrative system and the police of Governor-General of Korea and so on, forcing’ as ‘the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere’ in Japanese history A.

It makes Jikkyo Shuppan ‘By call for the group from to make up for the labor shortage 1939, by the government service mediation from 1942, from 1944 it took through the National Request Ordinance, about 800,000 Koreans to the Japanese mainland and Sakhalin, the Asia-Pacific area and so on, forcing’ in the high school Japanese history B.

Yamakawa Shuppansha makes ‘it took hundreds of thousands of Koreans and a Chinese in the occupied area to the Japanese mainland and so on, forcing and it made them and him work on the mine and the earthwork scene and so on’, ‘it made a lot of Koreans and a Chinese in the occupied area work on the mine and so on, taking them and him to Japan, forcing’, ‘the Korean and the Chinese under occupation had labor forced, being taken to Japan’

Every textbook teaches that the recruitment worker was ‘compulsory entrainment’.

Under present condition, future Japanese will not be able to acquire the right knowledge to retort to absurd history criticism by Korea and China.

The youngster who thinks that it is conscientious, that it is true to accept China and South Korea's claim just as it is and to criticize Japan can grow up.

The people as it makes diminishing Japan a purpose of life increase and in the negative chain, the whole of Japan can be depressed.

* The textbook of the Japanese history in now in this chapter! There should are not few persons who were disgusted, knowing that it was such a description.


It is the education that becomes the basis which invents such a way of thinking and a mind

2018年02月10日 21時27分11秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It sends a fact.

It is the education that becomes the basis which invents such a way of thinking and a mind.

It is the reason that it cannot help paying attention to the textbook which is used at the classroom.

For example, now, as for the textbook of each Inc., how are you describing the drafting worker problem that both China and South Korea countries assume that it is the material of the Japan denouncing?

Tokyo Shoseki is describing that it was ‘about 700,000 are taken to the Japanese mainland by the oppression of the administrative system and the police of Governor-General of Korea and so on, forcing’ as ‘the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere’ in Japanese history A.

It makes Jikkyo Shuppan ‘By call for the group from to make up for the labor shortage 1939, by the government service mediation from 1942, from 1944 it took through the National Request Ordinance, about 800,000 Koreans to the Japanese mainland and Sakhalin, the Asia-Pacific area and so on, forcing’ in the high school Japanese history B.

Yamakawa Shuppansha makes ‘it took hundreds of thousands of Koreans and a Chinese in the occupied area to the Japanese mainland and so on, forcing and it made them and him work on the mine and the earthwork scene and so on’, ‘it made a lot of Koreans and a Chinese in the occupied area work on the mine and so on, taking them and him to Japan, forcing’, ‘the Korean and the Chinese under occupation had labor forced, being taken to Japan’

Every textbook teaches that the recruitment worker was ‘compulsory entrainment’.

Under present condition, future Japanese will not be able to acquire the right knowledge to retort to absurd history criticism by Korea and China.

The youngster who thinks that it is conscientious, that it is true to accept China and South Korea's claim just as it is and to criticize Japan can grow up.

The people as it makes diminishing Japan a purpose of life increase and in the negative chain, the whole of Japan can be depressed.

Also, it asserted that the compulsion taking of a comfort woman, too, was not 'absolutely'

2018年02月10日 17時36分15秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The fact that the Japanese made an effort desperately

I was fortunate to talk directly with Mr. Nishikawa who was alive and I could listen too much.

Mr.'s testimony is also familiar to the above-mentioned book, but the most impressive thing is the word ‘Japanese people and Koreans were living on naturally as good terms with them’.

It was difficult to imagine from the feelings of both was filled with the distrust present both country people but then, it was the relation which is much better than in the present.

The basic policy of Governor-General of Korea is ‘The slogan of trying to integrate Korea with domestic (mainland Japan) without discrimination treatment’, also called ‘imperialisation policy’.

That meaning, Mr. Nishikawa declared that it is to eliminate disparities and discrimination between Japan and Korea.

He does not deny that there was discrimination.

But he told me that he wanted to understand just for modern Japanese, which the Japanese at that time desperately tried to eliminate that discrimination.

In Governor-General of Korea all work was done in a transparent form according to strict rules.

Regarding the recruitment, the general governor first allocates the number to each Circuit (prefecture), and the instruction order go down to the lower level municipality to County, Eup, Myeon.

It was a procedure of 'persuasion' and 'consent' rather than 'compulsion', he said that those who did not agree did not accept the duty.

Mr. Nishikawa explained the labor conditions properly and sent out a contractor to Japan, but the quiet but declaring squarely by anyone when there was not a forced case

Also, it asserted that the compulsion taking of a comfort woman, too, was not 'absolutely'.

If the military is trying to collect women, the military headquarters will drop orders in the order of Circuit → County → Myeon, as in the recruitment labor.

Many of those instructions documents should be left.

But there is no such document.

When looking at the circumstances at the time, many Koreans worked at Circuit's office and the police.

The governor of Mr.'s boss was Korean.

There were many Koreans in both the boss and subordinate.

Mr. Nishikawa said that the Korean men are unable to obey the orders instructing the compulsion of Korean women without complaint.

It is important to teach such precious testimony more.


2018年02月10日 17時02分00秒 | 日記





2018年02月10日 17時00分21秒 | 日記




In the generation to know a fact, it has decreased but, there are people who do valuable testimony

2018年02月10日 16時51分01秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Before Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japanese prime minister has not tried to disseminate facts to the world against history problems ... especially to China and South Korea.

Rather, the government has hidden the facts and accepted the claims of China and South Korea.

If politics are like that, government office obey it.

In the case where Mitsubishi Materials was sued on the recruitment worker in China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs virtually instructed the company to pay the reparation, rather than fighting the fact, to accept the claim of the Chinese side.

About the ‘Nanjing Massacre’ and ‘comfort women forced entrainment / gender slavery’ opinion, too, the time when it happens is that Japanese Government showed a fact was hesitated continued for a long time.

However, only facts are the only road to win history fabrication strategy in both China and South Korea countries

Although few generations know the fact, some people still do valuable testimony.

Kiyoshi Nishikawa passed away last summer at the age of 102.

He is a witness to ‘Governor-General of Korea Officer's Last Testimony’ (Cherry Blossom Flower Publishing Editorial Department).

In 1953, he appointed Governor-General of Korea Gangwon-do and served as the chief of domestic affairs in the local administration supervised by the governor of Korea.

For 12 years until the defeat, he worked with the Korean governor as his boss, bringing both English and Koreans to his colleagues and men.

This article continues.

However, only facts are the only road to win history fabrication strategy in both China and

2018年02月10日 16時12分22秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

The prime minister in Japan before Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not try to send a fact in the history problem.

Rather, the government has hidden the facts and accepted the claims of China and South Korea.

If politics are like that, government office obey it.

In the case where Mitsubishi Materials was sued on the recruitment worker in China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs virtually instructed the company to pay the reparation, rather than fighting the fact, to accept the claim of the Chinese side.

About the ‘Nanjing Massacre’ and ‘comfort women forced entrainment / gender slavery’ opinion, too, the time when it happens is that Japanese Government showed a fact was hesitated continued for a long time.

However, only facts are the only road to win history fabrication strategy in both China and South Korea countries

In the generation to know a fact, it has decreased but, there are people who do valuable testimony.

Kiyoshi Nishikawa passed away last summer at the age of 102.

He is a witness to ‘Governor-General of Korea Officer's Last Testimony’ (Cherry Blossom Flower Publishing Editorial Department).

In 1953, he appointed Governor-General of Korea Gangwon-do and served as the chief of domestic affairs in the local administration supervised by the governor of Korea.

For 12 years until the defeat, he worked with the Korean governor as his boss, bringing both English and Koreans to his colleagues and men.

This article continues.

Si je clique dessus, on dit que dans le chapitre suivant, il était 33ème sur les 100 meilleurs.

2018年02月10日 13時17分31秒 | 日記

Après avoir ouvert l'amibe, je me suis classé dans le hash officiel! C'était indiqué.
Si je clique dessus, on dit que dans le chapitre suivant, il était 33ème sur les 100 meilleurs.
J'offre mes félicitations chaleureuses à ce sujet.
Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
Dans le numéro de Moritomo, le comportement suspect de Tsujimoto Kiyomi apparaît pendant l'allégation.
A Kake Gakuen, Yuichiro Tamaki qui a reçu de l'argent de la Société Vétérinaire qui fait pression sur la réglementation de la roche a remis en question les allégations et a dit que vous étiez un criminel. Au cas où
Mais l'Asahi Shimbun n'a aucun doute.
Parce que tout est OK, ils remplissent le papier avec suspicion.
Quand j'ai vu la figure qu'ils croient qu'Abe peut être maudit, je me souviens de l'affaire du Temple du Peuple.
Le gourou est Jim Jones.
Une religion émergente semblable à Aum Shinrikyo est confrontée à Guyana Amérique du Sud et des conflits avec les familles qui tentent de ramener les croyants.
L'année dernière, il a tué la Chambre des représentants américaine qui est venu à l'arbitrage, 914 personnes sous le gourou sont mortes de suicide en prenant du cyanure de potassium.
Il a été analysé à la suite de la répétition de la même information à plusieurs reprises mis un croyant dans l'espace où d'autres informations ont été coupées à qui était capable de manipuler les croyants.
Il a également été dit être l'hypnose de groupe.
Asahi a certainement des antécédents d'hypnose collective qui pousse l'administration démocrate comme cette ferraille aux électeurs.
Je pense que c'est Jim Jones du monde du journalisme. Au cas où
Cependant, ce n'est pas la seule puissance d'Asahi.
Il y a des collaborateurs.

Si hago clic en él, se dice que en el siguiente capítulo, fue el 33º de los mejores 100.

2018年02月10日 13時16分53秒 | 日記

¡Después de abrir la ameba, clasifiqué en la etiqueta hash oficial! Fue declarado.
Si hago clic en él, se dice que en el siguiente capítulo, fue el 33º de los mejores 100.
Ofrezco mis más sinceras felicitaciones por ello.
La siguiente es la continuación del capítulo anterior.
En la cuestión de Moritomo, el comportamiento sospechoso de Tsujimoto Kiyomi aparece durante la acusación.
En Kake Gakuen, Yuichiro Tamaki, que recibió dinero de la Sociedad Veterinaria que ejerce presión sobre la regulación del rock, cuestionó las acusaciones y dijo que usted es un criminal. En caso
Pero el Asahi Shimbun no tiene dudas.
Como todo está bien, rellenan el periódico con suspicacia.
Cuando vi la cifra de que creen que Abe puede ser maldecido, recuerdo el caso del Templo del Pueblo.
El gurú es Jim Jones.
Una religión emergente similar a Aum Shinrikyo se enfrenta con Guyana Sudamérica y tiene conflictos con familias que intentan traer de vuelta a los creyentes.
El año pasado, él mató a la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos que acudió a arbitraje, 914 personas bajo el gurú murieron suicidas tomando cianuro de potasio.
Fue analizado como resultado de la repetición de la misma información que repetidamente puso a un creyente en el espacio donde se cortó otra información a quién fue capaz de manipular a los creyentes.
También se dijo que era hipnosis grupal.
Asahi ciertamente tiene antecedentes de hipnosis colectiva que empuja a la administración demócrata como esa chatarra a los votantes.
Creo que es Jim Jones del mundo del periodismo. En caso
Sin embargo, ese no es el poder de Asahi solo.
Hay colaboradores

Wenn ich darauf klicke, wird gesagt, dass es im folgenden Kapitel 33 von den besten 100 ist.

2018年02月10日 13時16分21秒 | 日記

Nachdem ich den Amöbe geöffnet hatte, rang ich im offiziellen Hash-Tag! Es wurde festgestellt.
Wenn ich darauf klicke, heißt es, dass es im folgenden Kapitel 33 von den besten 100 war.
Ich gratuliere herzlich dazu.
Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
In der Moritomo-Ausgabe taucht verdächtiges Verhalten von Tsujimoto Kiyomi während einer Anschuldigung auf.
Bei Kake Gakuen stellte Yuichiro Tamaki, der von der Veterinary Society, die an der Rock-Verordnung teilnimmt, Geld bekommen hatte, die Vorwürfe in Frage und sagte, dass Sie ein Krimineller sind. Im Fall
Aber der Asahi Shimbun hat keinen Zweifel.
Weil alles in Ordnung ist, füllen sie das Papier mit Argwohn aus.
Als ich die Figur sah, dass sie glauben, dass Abe verflucht werden kann, erinnere ich mich an den Fall des Volkstempels.
Der Guru ist Jim Jones.
Eine aufkommende Religion, ähnlich wie Aum Shinrikyo, ist konfrontiert mit Guyana Südamerika und Konflikten mit Familien, die versuchen, Gläubige zurückzubringen.
Letztes Jahr tötete er das US-Repräsentantenhaus, das zum Schiedsgericht kam, 914 Menschen unter dem Guru starben durch die Einnahme von Kaliumcyanid.
Es wurde als Ergebnis der Wiederholung der gleichen Information analysiert, die einen Gläubigen wiederholt in den Raum brachte, in dem andere Informationen abgeschnitten waren, wer in der Lage war, Gläubige zu manipulieren.
Es wurde auch gesagt, dass es sich um Gruppenhypnose handelt.
Asahi hat sicherlich eine Erfolgsgeschichte der kollektiven Hypnose, die die demokratische Regierung wie diesen Schrott zu den Wählern treibt.
Ich denke, dass es Jim Jones der Journalismuswelt ist. Im Fall
Dies ist jedoch nicht die Kraft von Asahi allein.
Es gibt Mitarbeiter.

Se eu clicar nele, diz-se que, no capítulo seguinte, foi 33º dos 100 melhores.

2018年02月10日 13時15分41秒 | 日記

Depois de abrir a ameba, marquei na etiqueta hash oficial! Foi afirmado.
Se eu clicar nele, diz-se que, no capítulo seguinte, foi 33º dos 100 melhores.
Ofereço meus sinceros parabéns por isso.
O seguinte é a continuação do capítulo anterior.
Na questão de Moritomo, o comportamento suspeito de Tsujimoto Kiyomi aparece durante a alegação.
Em Kake Gakuen, Yuichiro Tamaki, que obteve dinheiro da Sociedade Veterinária, que faz lobby com o regulamento da rocha, questionou as alegações e disse que você é um criminoso. Em caso
Mas o Asahi Shimbun não tem dúvida.
Porque qualquer coisa está bem, eles preenchem o papel com suspeita.
Quando vi a figura que eles acreditam que Abe pode ser amaldiçoada, lembro-me do caso do Templo do Povo.
O guru é Jim Jones.
Uma religião emergente semelhante a Aum Shinrikyo é confrontada com a Guiana da América do Sul e conflita com famílias tentando trazer os crentes.
No ano passado, ele matou a Câmara dos Deputados dos EUA que veio a arbitragem, 914 pessoas sob o guru morreram de suicídio tomando cianeto de potássio.
Foi analisado como resultado de repetir a mesma informação repetidamente colocar um crente no espaço onde outras informações foram cortadas para quem foi capaz de manipular os crentes.
Também se dizia que era hipnose em grupo.
Asahi certamente tem histórico histórico de hipnose coletiva que empurra a administração democrata como essa sucata aos eleitores.
Eu acho que é Jim Jones do mundo do jornalismo. Em caso
No entanto, esse não é o poder de Asahi sozinho.
Existem colaboradores.


2018年02月10日 13時15分04秒 | 日記

在Moritomo问题中,Tsujimoto Kiyomi的可疑行为在指控期间出现。
在Kake Gakuen,从兽医协会获得资金的玉泽裕一郎(Yuichiro Tamaki)游说岩石监管,对这些指控提出质疑,并说你是一个犯罪分子。以防万一
我认为这是新闻界的吉姆·琼斯(Jim Jones)。以防万一


2018年02月10日 13時14分28秒 | 日記

ameba를 연 후에, 나는 공식 해시 태그에 포함되었다! 그것은 진술되었다.
클릭하면 다음 장에서 가장 좋은 100 개 중 33 번째라는 것을 알 수 있습니다.
내 축하드립니다.
다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.
Moritomo 문제에서 츠지 모토 키요미의 의심스러운 행동이 혐의 중에 나타납니다.
Kake Gakuen에서 Rock Control을 로비하는 수의 학회에서 돈을 얻은 Tamaki Yuichiro는 주장에 의문을 제기하고 당신이 범죄자라고 말했다. 경우에
그러나 아사히 신문은 의심의 여지가 없다.
무엇이든 괜찮아지기 때문에, 그들은 혐의로 종이를 채 웁니다.
아베가 저주받을 수 있다고 믿는 인물을 보았을 때, 저는 사람들의 성전 사건을 기억합니다.
전문가는 짐 존스입니다.
Aum Shinrikyo와 유사한 신흥 종교는 남아메리카 가이아나에 직면 해 있으며 신자들을 되 찾는 가족들과 충돌합니다.
작년에 중도로 온 하원 의원을 살해 한 도굴업자 914 명이 시안화 칼륨을 복용 해 자살했다.
그것은 동일한 정보를 반복적으로 반복하여 다른 정보가 차단 된 공간에서 신자를 신자를 조작 할 수 있었던 사람으로 분석 한 결과로 분석되었습니다.
그룹 최면이라고도 불 렸습니다.
아사히는 분명히 과거 최후의 기록을 보유하고있어 민주당 행정부를 유권자들에게 밀어 넣는다.
저널리즘 세계의 짐 존스라고 생각합니다. 경우에
그러나 그것은 아사히의 힘이 아닙니다.
공동 작업자가 있습니다.

Если я нажму на него,

2018年02月10日 13時13分41秒 | 日記

После открытия ameba я попал в официальный хэш-тег! Об этом говорилось.
Если я нажму на него, сказано, что в следующей главе это было 33-е из лучших 100.
Я сердечно поздравляю его.
Следующее - продолжение предыдущей главы.
В вопросе Моритомо подозрительное поведение Цудзимото Кийоми появляется во время утверждения.
В Kake Gakuen Юйчиро Тамаки, который получил деньги от Ветеринарного общества, который лоббирует регулирование породы, поставил под сомнение утверждения и сказал, что вы преступник. В случае
Но Асахи Симбун не сомневается.
Поскольку все в порядке, они заполняют бумагу подозрением.
Когда я увидел фигуру, что они верят, что Абэ можно проклять, я помню дело «Народный храм».
Гуру - Джим Джонс.
Появляющаяся религия, подобная Aum Shinrikyo, сталкивается с Южной Америкой в Гайане и конфликтует с семьями, пытающимися вернуть верующих.
В прошлом году он убил Палату представителей США, которая пришла в арбитраж, 914 человек под гуру умерли от самоубийства, взяв цианид калия.
Он был проанализирован в результате повторения одной и той же информации, которая неоднократно помещала верующего в пространство, где была отрезана другая информация, кто мог манипулировать верующими.
Он также назывался групповым гипнозом.
Асахи, безусловно, имеет прошлый опыт коллективного гипноза, который подталкивает демократическую администрацию к этому лому избирателям.
Я думаю, что это Джим Джонс из журналистского мира. В случае
Однако это не сила Асахи в одиночку.
Есть соавторы.

Jika saya mengklik padanya

2018年02月10日 13時12分22秒 | 日記

Selepas membuka ameba, saya tertera dalam tag hash rasmi! Ia dinyatakan.
Jika saya mengklik padanya, dikatakan bahawa dalam bab yang berikut, ia adalah ke-33 dari 100 yang terbaik.
Saya menawarkan tahniah kepada saya.
Berikut adalah kesinambungan bab sebelumnya.
Dalam isu Moritomo, tingkah laku yang mencurigakan Tsujimoto Kiyomi muncul semasa tuduhan.
Di Kake Gakuen, Yuichiro Tamaki yang mendapat wang dari Persatuan Veterinar yang melobi peraturan batu mempersoalkan tuduhan tersebut dan mengatakan bahawa anda seorang penjenayah. Sekiranya berlaku
Tetapi Asahi Shimbun tidak ragu-ragu.
Kerana apa-apa adalah OK, mereka mengisi kertas dengan syak wasangka.
Apabila saya melihat angka yang mereka percaya bahawa Abe boleh dikutuk, saya masih ingat kes Tokong Rakyat.
Guru adalah Jim Jones.
Agama muncul seperti Aum Shinrikyo dihadapkan dengan Guyana Amerika Selatan dan konflik dengan keluarga yang cuba membawa kembali orang percaya.
Tahun lalu, dia membunuh Dewan Perwakilan AS yang datang ke timbang tara, 914 orang di bawah guru meninggal bunuh diri dengan mengambil potasium sianida.
Ia dianalisis sebagai hasil mengulangi maklumat yang sama berulang kali meletakkan seorang mukim di ruang di mana maklumat lain dipotong untuk yang mampu memanipulasi orang percaya.
Ia juga dikatakan sebagai hipnosis kumpulan.
Asahi pastinya mempunyai catatan masa lalu hipnosis kolektif yang mendorong pentadbiran Demokrat seperti sekerap kepada pengundi.
Saya fikir ia adalah Jim Jones dari dunia kewartawanan. Sekiranya berlaku
Walau bagaimanapun, itu bukan kuasa Asahi sahaja.
Terdapat kolaborator.